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623 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
I am now offering skins for phpVMS skin services for people that are on a low budget but would like a nice slick website. If interested please PM me until our site is set up. -Price Special = $15 Usually 25 Time frame is approx up to 7 - 14 days depending on the complexity of the site. We make all our sites from scratch and of course your skins would never be resold. You paid for it, its yours. Few sites we have made skins for, -Website is coming soon...
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
I am looking for someone to hand build the fleet for our VA (Shadow Airlines) and paint them for us for X-Plane 10. We have 10 aircraft we need to have done but aren't trusting of freeware. We have a $250 budget so please contact us below and give us an example of your work. Thanks Brad
Last reply by joeri, -
- 7 replies
Hi Guys, Thought Id post here about the company I've been using to do my livery's ( ) They Called Pixel Express ( ) They have been really good to me in doing my fleet paints and graphics for my web site. Regards
Last reply by FlyAfrica, -
- 27 replies
- 12k views has now expanded our reaches to the PHPVMS Community. We offer state of the art ACARS that is customized with each and every VA. No more cookie cutter layouts. It will always look the way you want it. We pride ourselves in being the ONLY company which works with our customer every step. The process takes up to 2 days. We will get the customer, ask for some logos, design ideas and what kind of features you were looking to implement. Base ACARS starts at 60 dollars. This will include the following: .Custom ACARS Design .Flight input/Output .Search/Book flights .View current bids .Flight Progress Bar .LIGHTNING fast Chat Any other feature you can t…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
Looking for some one to work on a skin design for my site Dalta Airlines. Its not going to be easy lots of things, I need. Like we will be doing a skymiles card programe. Etc. I have been talking to some guys about a new pilot software. Thanks
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 0 replies
DesignerXPO is back now at I had shut down the service for a while due to real world situations but now since I have been making freelance templates for people I decided to bring back my staff and start her up again, all the information is on the website, please PM or email if you have any questions.
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I am looking for a fleet repainter for re-launch VA. Please contact me if you are interested ( Thanks
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 0 replies
- 1.6k views Hello, We have revised our packages and prices, We have added more file storage to some plans, decreased prices on all web hosting packages and more changes are on the way, with our current customers they receive all the upgrades completely free of charge so you will always receive the best deal. PHPVMS will be installed on request free of charge on all packages. Special Offer – 50% Off for 6 months on all orders - Discount Code: phpvms25 UK BASED CPANEL LITE SPEED SERVERS ===================== Shared_Basic – 1.13GBP Per Month ===================== • 2 GB Diskspace • 15 GB Bandwidth • 3 Addon Domains • Unlimited Emails • D…
Last reply by MichaelD, -
- 0 replies
Now through March 5, 2012, FSPremier is offering 25% off all of our hosting packages when you choose to pay Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annually, Biennially, or Triennially! Use promo code FSP2012 to receive your special 25% off discount! Act Fast! (We are currently not open for Aircraft repainting, but will continue that service in March.)
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 3 replies
We need a promo video maker, if you could give us a cheap price that would be great! Please let me know if you can.
Last reply by Tylor Eddy, -
- 0 replies
I am offering a cheap alternative for anyone who is on a low budget but wants a professional and clean look. Prices - PHPVMS Skinning | Promo - $20 | Usually - $30 Time frame is approx up to 7 - 14 days depending on the complexity of the site. All PHPVMS skins are made from scratch. Your skin will not be resold to anyone else. The skin i create for you is yours and only yours. You can see my portfolio here - You can contact me either through a PM or via my form on my website. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon !
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 2 replies
Hi, Atlantic International Virtual Airlines are looking for someone to repaint our fleet. Here is list of aircraft that we will be using : E170 (E-Jet/Wilco) B737-800 (PMDG/ifly) B757-200 (Sim Capt/QWings) B767-300 (LevelD) And Course if we can get a freeware of the above aircraft's as well, may be Project Opensky for the Boeing a/c? If you are interested, please email me at Thanks Robert
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 0 replies
Dear people, i would like to revamp my VA's site,, also inserting some simpilotgroups free and pay modules. It will be done on the new server provided by Nabeel (if they are able to solve a problem that i have ). Please PM with offers and timeframe. Thanks, Simon
Last reply by Simon, -
Hello is anyone willing to make our Virtual Airline a skin? Will be Paid!
Last reply by vader21, -
- 1 reply
Hi i am looking for someone to create me a custom phpVMS skin for $55 or less. If you are able to please PM me!
Last reply by vader21, -
- 0 replies
Hello All, I'm pleased to announce my first phpVMS exclusive module! Social Gallery What is does is download and display the albums and images of a Facebook or Flickr account. This is perfect if you for example have a Facebook page for your VA and use that as the image gallery. For only €30 it's yours! Click here for a demo! More information can be found here: If you are interested in this module, please contact me via my contact page. Greetings, Jasper Bussemaker
Last reply by Jasper Bussemaker, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I am looking for someone to create a promotional video for our airline. If you are interested, please email Thanks for your time
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 0 replies
Hello FsWebhost has run different VA services for a long time. We are run by experienced technicians that have worked along side some of the best datacentres in the world. We provide 24x7 365 days a year support to all of our customers along with the latest technologies such as LiteSpeed WebServer, cPanel and much more. I use Flight Sim myself and have been for 9 years, so we have alot of experience with the software. Fswebhost – Quality Webhosting Special Offer – 50% Off for 3 months on all orders - Discount Code: phpvms50 ===================== Shared_Basic – 0.50 GBP/0.77 USD Per Month ===================== • 1 GB Diskspace • 15 GB Bandwidth • 3 A…
Last reply by MichaelD, -
- 7 replies
FSPremier is happy to announce that after a week of renovations, hosting changes, and management changes, we now offer website hosting! FSPremier offers affordable hosting with plans starting at $5.00, $8.00, and $12.00 per month. Our plans are cheaper, and provide a lot more "bang for your buck" than comparable hosting plans online. Transfers are easy, and can be completed usually within 24 hours! Head on over to today to get started! We are also developing a whole new website and client panel where updates can be easily posted/viewed, and where items can be downloaded easily! While this site is being built, we are still taking orders via the contac…
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 1 reply
Do You need web hosting for your virtual airline? Freedom Host specialise in hosting virtual airlines of all sizes. Our hosting packages are competitive prices starting from just £1.50 Per Month. We have a 99.9% Uptime record and provide around the clock assistance to those who require it at no extra cost. If you add to the notes page, then we will install PHPVms For you as well! plus, if you register before 11:59PM On Wednesday 4th January 2012, enter promo code 'NY2012' and you will receive a 50% Discount! So what are you waiting for? Head over to now and get your virtual airline into the sky! Kind Regards Lewis
Last reply by Zishan, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, I'm hoping to officially launch my VA on the first of January and did have the following aircraft textures on order from an established repainting service (I won't mention their name though as I don't want to cause any trouble) but in the last 22 days I've only recieved the PA A319 but I am running out of time now and would really like them done ASAP. I am whilling to pay $40 for the following repaints:- Payware aircraft 1x Wilco A319 1x Wilco A320 1x Aerosoft AirbusX A320 Freeware aircraft Project Airbus A320 iFDG A320 I already have the design that I want and have a PSD file with drag and drop items on it such as the logo I want on the fuselage …
Last reply by bobsta63, -
- 0 replies
The holiday season is coming around and I feel like contributing to the FS community. At this time I am willing to work with a VA or two who would like a custom skin or some repaints to be done. As far as web design goes I don't know much php so don't ask for custom modules etc, I am offering design services only. Feel free to PM me if interested.
Last reply by MCSchwartz, -
- 3 replies
Example Website -
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
I need sb. who helps me to programm a mobile website for the vAirline style.Will pay for this !!
Last reply by Luke2000, -
- 1 reply
Generation Host offers an exclusive service known as “CDN†to any website whether you are being hosted with us or not. CDN is a new technology that allows aspects of a site to be loaded from the nearest server to the visitor. This not only decreases the loading time but reduces the amount of bandwidth you’ll be using. A faster website will really help your virtual airline make a quick,long lasting impact on your pilots. For only $4.99/mo you’ll gain a great asset to your virtual airline's website. Not only increasing the speed, but reducing bandwidth. For more information, visit or send a PM to myself. Jon
Last reply by Tom, -
- 8 replies
Hello phpVMS, I would like to take a minute to inform everyone on phpVMS about the great deals we have set up for them! Starting now 11/21/2011 until 12/22/2011, all products and services will be at discounted prices! Some great deals coming up are: • 5 planes for $34.99 • 2 custom logos for $24.99 • Airline Consulting for $24.99 More great deals available, email me at or visit to find out more today!
Last reply by bobsta63, -
- 2 replies
Good Morning, AZI Repein Website Down Damn your website is boken or shutdown? Why? I have requested a Repaint and yesterday i saw it scheduld? No where is my repaint? its the Service down? ANSWER PLEASE Thanks
Last reply by Industrialshadow, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I am looking for someone to make a 30 sec prom video for my VA. Please contact if you are interested. Thanks
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 3 replies
Milehighost is a company that provides hosting, website creation and virtual airline support. We are a company that makes sure all of our customers get the hosting they want. We not only have set hosting plans, but also allow any customer to "pick'n'mix" their hosting plan to suit their needs. For more information or a quote for a skin, please visit: Regards Jon
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 17 replies
Hello Everyone...! I am delighted to announce my new website for repaints help and requests for virtual airlines. About us Irfan Design, aims to host all Pakistani flight simulation related materials in one place we offer aircraft repainting services only for Virtual Airlines if you are a re painter and wanted to submit your work with people around the world its the right place for you. Contributors We are extremely thankful to Almighty Allah for his help and guidance in enabling us to reach this far. We feel its necessary to mention the names of our friends who helped us in this journey: Umair Ayaz Edward Cox Hiroshi Igami Enigma Simulations Aziz Palas…
Last reply by joeri,