General Discussions
167 topics in this forum
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Hello. Is it possible to add the live acars map on a page out side of the dashboard of the phpvms 7? My home page out side of the main phpvms file structure in the public_html folder, I would like it if I was able to add the acars map to the home page. Thank you for your time.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
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Dear friends, I'm trying to send a manual pirep, but the list of aircraft does not appear in the drop-down menu to select it, if anyone has already been through this or knows how to fix it, could you give me a tip! Attached an image to make it clearer! thanks!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
Hi all, We have just started an airline and went with pounds and dollars to begin with because it made everything straightforward. We're considering switching to kilograms and euros though - and wondered if anybody else has switched - and what was involved. I'm guessing we would need to take the airline offline while doing it, and run some queries to convert all of the weights, rates, etc across all of the affected tables. As I said - wondering if anybody else has already done it in the past.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
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Hi all, We are a VA with about 150 members. We are considering moving to phpVMS. We are an offline VA, so the question is whether phpVMS can also be used without an ACARS system? Thanks, Stijn
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hey, first I want to mention that this is not a personal commercial promotional post. My goal is simply to encourage people to explore and use phpVMS 7. It's a powerful platform with great customization options for virtual airline management. Yes, I have a lot of experience but nothing is impossible. Creating themes and designs for phpVMS version 7 with Laravel offers great flexibility without needing WordPress for custom homepages. Since phpVMS is built on Laravel, you can leverage modern tools to craft unique, responsive designs directly within the platform. Themes are built using Blade, Laravel's templating engine, which allows for easy separation of logic and presenta…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
If someone want export the phpvms7 flights to volanta, can be done exporting database data to csv with the next sql script. NOTE: If you have flights currently in volanta and are the same of phpvms7 this isn't overwrite, so you will have duplicate flights in Volanta (Volanta + phpvms7 flights) SELECT dpt_airport_id AS Origin, arr_airport_id AS Destination, block_off_time AS DepartureTime, pireps.flight_time AS Duration, AS Airline, flight_number AS FlightNumber, aircraft.icao AS AircraftType, registration AS AircraftRegistration, route AS Route, block_on_time AS ArrivalTime, distance AS Distance, fuel_used AS Fuel FROM `pireps`, `aircraft`, `airlines…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hello, We are in need of contact, something they are not providing on their website. Since phpvms is referred as an official affiliation, this contact was triggered. Best Regards, Pedro Sousa
Last reply by PaintSplasher, -
- 0 replies
I know there there is an option in phpVMS 5.5 to make pilots Active, Inactive, Retired, or Banned. Is there a way to Hide Pilots? I know a lot of admins have rules where pilots have to fly their first flight in 7, 14, 30, etc... first flight, and they hate having those 0 flights on the Pilot Roster. And have 30, 60, and 90 for inactive. But since you already went through the process of approving them, maybe they could not make the 7 day rule and they return not too far in the distant future ready to fly often. Or maybe you have someone fly 30 flights in a month and not come back for 6 month's, you want their data, but not them on the Pilot Roster, unless they are flying e…
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 0 replies
A real booking system as Fsairlines has, where you can bid by aircraft type in a same schedule (for example In flight SKU103 I can bid with an A320 and a B767 and each other, including all registration of these aircraft if the aircraft Was in the same position that I'm... If the aircraft wasn't in the same Location as me I can't bid a flight with that aircraft). And the pilot can use the jumpseat ticket. And the last one a option to translate an aircraft to other location (Admin) and the translate could duration as a real flight.
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I'm Honoresia from France, then excuse me for my wrong english. I'm a old CEO from a VA closed in 2014. For now, we would like to make a V2 of our project. Let me introduce some features that we used : - airclub flight : Pilots are paid after commercial flight (regular or not). They can progress with their account and their rank. Some pilots want to make only commercial lines, but others want to rent an aircraft after many commercial lines, to go in virtual hollidays, you see. They have money to spend in an airclub activity, and this features make more and more pilots... - live popularity : Each scheduled line have a popularity,…
Last reply by Honoresia, -
- 0 replies
Hi There, At this time you can set the rank a pilot has to be to fly an aircraft type. I would like to see his also added to the flight (Route). Some flights say YSSY Sydney Australia to KLAX LA could then be limited to a min rank. This could all so be used for dangerous airport routes. Thank you David Oz Flyer
Last reply by OzFlyer, -
Without seeing how the new version might work, can we have an 'all days' check box for route availability?
Last reply by vcal, -
- 0 replies
Could I request that the system is coded to accept the lowest Pilot ID on registration, even if the ID was once in use but pilot has since left. Thanks
Last reply by shaun105, -
- 0 replies
Update the deafult Jquery for scripts errors with new templates.
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 0 replies
I know that Nabeel is busy and does most of the work for phpvms7 on github, so I leave this as a suggestion from my VA. If someone else wants to put their suggestions it can be a good post. How are suggestions can be included or not, and may be soon or not. 1. fleet->new aircraft-> (complete all data)-> save (there is no button to go back and add other aircraft) P.S: Doing clicking twice in save return to aircraft menu. 2. Add a option to edit pilot ID ex: 3. Option (checkbox) to make a return/reverse flight when you create a flight. So you can create a flight and their reverse route without complete all fields again.
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone. As far as I know we have the ability to set the fares by flight or by a specific subfleet. I´m still using VAM until we can switch to phpvms7 and there I´ve implemented a formula like "(PAX) x (Distance) x (specific variable)" for those flights that aren´t schedule flights. That means, that a pilot that would like to do a charter flight to a destination that isn´t a regular one can do it and the comoany still will have benefit from that flight aplying that formula. Could something like that possible to do here as well? Or maybe to implement the FsAirlines system. They set a specific price until a specific distance and from a specific weight (scr…
Last reply by AirNubeiro, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, We started to use the PHPVMS7 along DH Basic and Special and we have been testing it with SmartCars3 since 2 weeks. We just came to realized that since February 24 all flights are not showing any revenue anymore, but only the expenses. I am not a pro by any means on PHPvms and I checked all my settings regarding the fares, etc... Fares have not changed at all so I don't believe there is a reason of why the airline is not generating any revenue on each flight. Also on the /admin/finances page is there a way to see the total finance of each airline? I only get the option to see each month but is not counting the finance of the previous months…
Last reply by MRavilet,