326 topics in this forum
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Php Version 7.0.0-dev+240407.8554a3 .csv files via VASchedules Database versions - MySQL Hi, I am having an issue with importing registrations via a .csv file. When I import the first picture bought from VASchedules into the fleet category I do not get my aircraft listed. (aircraft in subfleet menu is 0). I believe it is because it is missing the registration column. Therefore, I added a registration column and got the data from the downloaded phpsVMS3 .csv that also comes with VA Schedules. I copied and pasted this data as per the second picture hoping that it would then import them into the subfleets however no …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Just looking through the source code, there is a dev console with a raft of really useful commands (such as re-calculating stats) - I'm wondering if anybody has ever used it - and if so how?
Last reply by jonbeckett, -
- 1 reply
i added a new custom airport Calamocha LECH from MS2020. Actually, LECH already exist so i gave icao LECH1. When i select it on ACARS i get an error " Error prefiling. " VaCentral/VaCentral::getAirport(): Return value must be of type VaCentral/Models\Airport, none returned". Can you help to solve it?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hello to all! I’m Stefano, from Italy. I have a virtual airline and I found phpvms but…my knowledge of programming is very poor. There is someone can help me for a new install of software? I can pay!! Please please please!!!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hi, We just installed phpVMS7 with the Disposable Basic and Special addons. Our server has mySQL database and is on php 8.1.29. We would like to completely disable all Finance related content. We could disable some finance related modules in Disposable Special, but not all. Would appreciate your help (in non-programming savvy language 🙂 )
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hi There, I want some help installing phpvms7, I am currently using phpvms5.5.2.72 and I want to go ahead and install phpvms7, but I am facing some problems when installing. I uploaded the phpvms7 files to a new folder, and when installed, this error appeared I attached a pic Note: I am using phpvms and I need to change to phpvms7 with the old date I have it on phpvms5.5.2.72 Server Information cPanel Version 110.0 (build 24) Apache Version2.4.58 MySQL Version10.6.17-MariaDB PHP Version 8.1 If anyone can help me I will be thankful to him Best Regards
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Good Morning Folks. I currently have my VA linked to a 2GB database. Its currently 1.2GB full, with nearly 4000 PIREPs, so I want to start making a plan for adding some space. My current hosting provider limits their Databases to 2GB and you are not allowed to go any higher, even if you offer to throw money at them, so that's a shame that I can't just scale up the existing one. There is the context, so my question is this; If I completely export my old database and then import a carbon copy to a new location, how do I go about, in phpVMS 7, pointing it to the new database, which will be externally hosted from the core site? Any advice, tips or a st…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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After successfully passing the requirements and database access phases, the application goes into a loop in the database setup phase. I noticed that strangely the credentials have the user name without any value. This is how the connection string looks like: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ''@'' (using password: NO) (Connection: mysql, SQL: select table_name as `name`, (data_length + index_length) as `size`, table_comment as `comment`, engine as `engine`, table_collation as `collation` from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '' and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' order by table_name). And as you can see, the username is not reported, whi…
Last reply by ASX157, -
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So my VA has alot of aircraft and would like to narrow it down. I was told that if an aircraft has already flown a flight it will screw up the system. Is this true or can I wipe out the fleet and redo it?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
First, sorry if this topic has been raised / been highlighted and solved before but did not find any info about it: If I´m not mistaken, earlier version read the user edited database that we create and upload, as LOCAL times for departures and arrivals. The latest version here , reads it as UTC. Is that correctly understood? Or is something else causing our flights come up with UTC after our local departure times? If yes, is it possible to tweak or select local times instead of UTC? After update at our VA, all departures and arrivals, local times, are now shown as UTC after the time stamp. Thus, the whole database will be wrong for our pilots. …
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone unfortunatly today the dashboard for my website stopped working . If you guys have any suggestions on what it could possibly be that would be awesome!!! On a side less important note I cant get it to go to page 2 on like airports and flights and stuff... but that's less important... Screenshot: Thanks, Raaj Patel
Last reply by RaajPatel, -
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Nabeel provided the code for showing the pilot when logged in, in the documentation. I want to have Guest show up when no one is Logged In and the Pilot show up when they are? @if(Auth::check()) {{ Auth::user()->name }} @endif</font> Thanks!
Last reply by in2tech, -
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Hey, i use Plesk Server, but i don´t have the openssl and tokenizer Extension. I look a long time for an Installation Guide. If there any Option to install this extension manual to the Server? Regards Thorsten
Last reply by Thorsten22091990, -
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Hello, I am trying to change phpvms7 template. It's working good. Only one problem i have. I need to change one path which is i can not. <script type="text/javascript">var plugin_path = 'assets/plugins/';</script> top assets/plugins has to change this way <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ public_asset('/assets/frontend/assets/plugins/jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js') }}"></script> but i don't know which way. Help please. Thanks guys.
Last reply by OmerAslan, -
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Hi, how do you change the install location of phpvms 7? It appears that every attempt to change the folder name or extract the folder to the root directory makes the page for the installer load up fine, but clicking on Install results in a file not found error. I have extracted to phpvms. Renamed the folder to crew. Then I have gone and changed the location in the config file. I visit the page. The installer page comes up. I click on install and I get a file not found error. If I install in phpvms and change the name after install (and the configuration to reflect the new location) the front page comes up fine. But clicking on any link results in a 404 erro…
Last reply by bbuske, -
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I have phpvms7 installed on a wamp64 server, all looks good except that pilot hours and flight totals are not updating. Could I have missed something in the installation/setup? Mike
Last reply by MikeC, -
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There's missing requirement in as phpVMS requires bcmath or gmp to be installed. Find this when tried to create new flight (in administration > opereation) and got "Whoops, looks like something went wrong" -error. After little debugging it gave bit more better error message "Missing BC Math or GMP extension", so installed BC Math and now flight adding works.
Last reply by nixe, -
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Na documentação diz que eu preciso criar 1 Cron Jobs, no entanto, não estava claro para mim qual comando eu tenho que colocar, e como devo colocar a linha de comando. Eu não tenho muito conhecimento sobre phpvms, gostaria da ajuda dos senhores para colocar a empresa para trabalhar, porque eu realmente gostei dos phpvms. Peço desculpas pelos erros do inglês, sou brasileira, não tenho muito conhecimento do idioma. Obrigado.
Last reply by Hetzel, -
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Hi! I jut installed the phpvms version 7 beta on my database and when I try to get into the administration button It´s says It is not found and it redirects me nowehere . Where is the admin folder located? . thank you.
Last reply by mdnaqop, -
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Last reply by HighFlyerPL185, -
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We added {{--<table class="table-condensed"></table>--}} <span class="title">{{ strtoupper(__('flights.flighttype')) }}: </span> @if($flight->flight_type) {{ $flight->flight_type }}@endif but we get a code "J" This is the file ---- lang/en/flights.php we want to add in the flight cards the flight type information, 'type' => [ 'pass_scheduled' => 'Passenger - Scheduled', 'cargo_scheduled' => 'Cargo - Scheduled', 'charter_pass_only' => 'Charter - Passenger Only', 'addtl_cargo_mail' => 'Additional Cargo/Mail', 'special_…
Last reply by macofallico, -
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When I am logged in, if I press the pilots menu, it shows the information of all the pilots and the IMAGE of the range, the load of this route: /public/assets/img/ranks/4.png If I select any pilot, it shows me the information, but it does not load the image of the Range. You want to load the image from this path: /profile/public/assets/img/ranks/6.png How to do so that the image is always loaded from: /public/assets/img/ranks/4.png
Last reply by jftejeiro, -
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Hi, I'm trying to login to my virtual airline but I keep getting the message after entering my credentials: You must be logged in to access this feature. I've tried changing my password but still receive the same error, Any suggestions please?
Last reply by masmas, -
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The weather is being decoding correctly, except for the visibility is shown in km, with all Admin settings as US standard. Any way to fix the visibility to show in miles?
Last reply by sgraypgh, -
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Hello, i will import my leagcy db to the new v7 db. I try "php artisan phpvms:importer ...." on the command line. We have 170k pireps in the leagcy db. After 12 hours later only 68k pireps are migrated. Every 3 seconds only 1 pirep will migratied. I try to set the batchsize at 1000, 500, 50 .... but still it will migrate the data very slowly. Greetings SKD
Last reply by SKD, -
Last reply by Bushman,