I have a module and a widget doing what you need, but it works inside phpvms so it will not fit your needs as far as I understood.
If you are ok with php/laravel and can create a custom module for yourself, what you need is to read live flights (actually live pireps) data from v7. Technically it would be the easiest step though, just getting a model with its relationships from a laravel, or more basic way reading from a database table with some joins (if you are willing to go that way of course).
Don't get this wrong but the example you request will be the final step and it will be something like this {{ $liveflight->aircraft->registration }} for blade, <?php echo $liveflight->aircraft->registration ?> for plain php.
For this to work, you need to complete steps 1 and 2 and then pass that data to somewhere, process it as you need etc. I know, writing this is easy but the process will take time, trial and errors, fine tunings according to your needs too. So no one can give you a working example for what you need at the moment.
Good luck