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  1. Great news then @SKD I will check the status field from v5 data and provide a solution for v7 too (not for you anymore but for future Legacy Imports). Enjoy v7 Side Note: Status should be ARR (ARRIVED) for v7 pireps, it is designed like that. When a pirep is finalized/closed by the pilot, it gets this status. So we should set this for imported pireps, even if they are rejected, they should be arrived. Thanks for sharing your findings on this.
    1 point
  2. Yes this was the key !! I try the update and it will work. Also i must update the field "status". The default value of this field is SCH => scheduled. But your controller shows only (this is absolutly currect) the status auf ARR. UPDATE pireps SET status = 'ARR'; WIth the above update the pireps and the statistik work fine ! Many thanks to your support (It makes a smile on my face) SKD
    1 point
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