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  1. Great news! I’ll be checking for changes and updates in Disposable Basic. Untill then I’ll check out the files and try to find solutions. Airline ICAO’s checking will be a great feature.
    1 point
  2. Yeah, if you are providing custom liveries which you have full control and sure that they are ok then you will have less problems By the way, I am adding some checks to Disposable Basic for this purpose, be aware that X-Plane will be excluded from those checks as it does not report back the livery name like MS/P3D etc. And to allow multi airline setups, people doing sub-charter flights for another supported airline I will be checking both the flight's and aircraft's airline, if one matches then it will not be rejected. Imagine like you are simulating both DLH and KLM at the same phpvms v7 setup and a KLM aircraft is allowed to operate DLH flights, then it is perfectly normal for the flight's and aircraft operator's airline icao code will be different. So in this scenario, a livery containing DLH or KLM will not be auto rejected, but if someone flies with a livery containing FDX for example, it will. Safe flights
    1 point
  3. Great help thank you! We got custom liveries for our VA so the airline ICAO’s are correct. In this case the listeners for that could work. Also thanks for the hint in the Disposable Bacic
    1 point
  4. Technically it is possible, by some custom listeners/code which will run when a pirep gets filed. But it is very tricky, because aircraft developers and livery painters mostly not paying attention to aircraft icao codes or aircraft.cfg entries, most of them are even not able to spell airline names/codes properly in the liveries they ship. As an example to false icao codes being used by developers is PMDG 737 series, even though they ship A B738 (B737-800) to people, their aircraft config says it is a B737 (B737-700), same applies to B736 and B739 too. Also MSFS has other problems converting/using the livery aircraft.cfg entries to plain text and reports back strange codes (their variable names) back to 3rd party addons like vmsAcars. In theory, vmsAcars returns back the aircraft title to your phpVMS/server as a pirep field value, with a custom listener/code you can check the livery name and do whatever you wish (like penalizing the pilot, rejecting the pirep, commenting on their pirep etc.) even though you will have lots of false positives it is possible. However to reduce those false positives, after you have your custom listener up and running, you can ship your liveries to your pilots, which will have correct aircraft.cfg entries and kindly force them to use your officially approved liveries for flights. Rest will continue creating problems, but will be rejected automatically, which is another nice way to teach people to follow VA SOP and rules One of my addons (Disposable Basic) offers an auto rejection feature, if you need something to begin with, you can check its code as an example to build your own. Hope this helps
    1 point
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