Not good, for one main reason, you have isolated people once they go onto the map, they are stuck there, there is no navigation. They can't leave, so they will just close the window and move else where. That is poor webdesign.
IVAO sucks, file a valid FP and it claims it is invalid. It wants me to put a valid dept and dest, the ones I put in were VCBI and LIRF, last time I checked they are valid.
Problem with that, it will be hard to get bigger with a free host. Also when a VA gets bigger, it will be harder to move. Better to start off with a paid host, it looks better.
809film is not making promo vids anymore, I contacted him about making another one for my va, and he got back to me saying he doesn't make them anymore
The way it is coded it no longer needs anything to be added through the admin part now, as it looks at the airport db and gets which one is the hub airport. where it has <?php echo $hub->hubid;?> in your code change the hubid to icao, as it now looks for the icao not the id in the db. It looks like a style in your css that is having trouble with the long names of the airports you have.
<?php $hubs = HubData::get_hub();
foreach($hubs as $hub)
<li class="level-2"><a href="<?php echo url('/Hub/HubView/');?><?php echo $hub->icao;?>"><?php echo $hub->hubicao .' - '. $hub->hubname;?></a></li>
<?php }?>
take the <li class="level-2"> you typed in and paste that in where the code for the drop down is, and it should work