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Everything posted by Strider

  1. some details are taken from the airports table and you would have to edit the airport itself. The link for the nav bar, goes into your layout.tpl or if you use the default nav, into the core_navigation.tpl file
  2. You can use the vatsim metar code, can be found on the forum.
  3. Just got my laptop back, it is like new now :D

  4. https://github.com/Strider2/phpvms_hub That uses Tom's hubstats stats class.
  5. It is a problem with the js, you will have to have a go at moving them to different locations. Also try commenting out a js script at a time, to see which one is the cause of the problem.
  6. If you want to do maintenance on your site, you can always set phpvms to go into maintenance. That is located in your local.config file.
  7. Servetas, the way you said it, it looked like you meant their pireps.
  8. It should give that fine, it doesn't work on mine, as there are question marks instead of spaces, so it just shows a straight line, but where there are spaces and no question marks it works fine.
  9. Good idea but only problem, it will keep changing anytime they file a pirep. Only thing I can suggest, is to try and order it by the 3rd number in the pilot ID.
  10. At Katie Mcloughlin wedding party

  11. Strider

    HubStats Class

    Try looking at the error_log, errors that dont show, usually show in that.
  12. I already have the latest, if you want it, I can send the link to it
  13. Google have probably changed some code, and this is now not used.
  14. This seems to be happening on quite a few acars maps with other VA's, so I am wondering has google changed something
  15. I am having the same problem, it has even gone as far as removing the weather data on it. Deleting the cache and resetting acars does not help. The table is being filled with data, but it is not showing the information on the map.
  16. If you want to test a skin, it is best to have it offline, using xamp or a similar program which creates a virtual server on your pc. You can download a copy of your db, and your phpvms installation, and test it out on that before putting it live. You can't set it manually in the layout.tpl as it would have to be changed everytime you want to change the site design. And that is just tedious. But as servatas said, just use the same folder name for both skins, but have a different layout in the one of them, that means you can have two different layouts and designs with the same db.
  17. you have to let some people know that, as they will do it the normal way and find they are having trouble with one of them.
  18. there is one problem with that servetas, it will run off the same settings in the db, so if you change the skin in the subdomain, it will cause problems on the main domain as it will go looking for those skin files and not find them.
  19. Sorry but the hosting is not at fault, it would be a security breach in the module itself that is at fault.
  20. Another damn chair broke on me! Ended up on me arse this time.

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