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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. The old file you sent me worked Nabeel. did a flight today and all worked great.
  2. I found this a few months ago. Haven't had time to integrate. there are tons of options.
  3. where am i sending them? don't have your email.
  4. Ok. We did two flights. I got the email for both. They didn't register with the system. We use fsacars...
  5. Same on both my sites. I thought there was a ticket for this..
  6. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home1/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/lib/skins/kesuk/finance_balancesheet.tpl on line 60 Also get this error when viewing in the Admin panel.
  7. Still getting same financial errors from previous versions.
  8. The finances are still acting up and getting that same error.....
  9. RogerB

    Fspaint Shop

    I put a new forum on my site for support with my skins, and also made a request forum. This will make it easier to keep track of issues as I don't always check the forums here. www.fspaintshop.com
  10. Still getting an error over the financials...You did have it so all the expenses were broken down but now only like 2 are showing up. supplied for foreach() in /home1/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/admin/templates/finance_balancesheet.tpl on line 55
  11. The schedule search form is not functioning correctly. for me...its displaying all of the search tags instead of hiding them...I tried on your default skin, same thing so its not my skin...
  12. In the admin panel still getting: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home1/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/admin/templates/finance_balancesheet.tpl on line 55 Thats over current months finances.
  13. RogerB


    jump in shout box,send a message when your there.
  14. RogerB


    Yeah you changed more than the colors.....did you start slow and make small changes?? I will have a look at the css...
  15. RogerB


    Are you able to show me what you mean? do you have it live somewhere i can see?
  16. I was just gonna post on this....yeah blank page with just those titles..
  17. getting this error above the finances bargraph...The finances aren't detailed like they were before, showing all expenses.. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home1/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/lib/skins/kesuk/finance_balancesheet.tpl on line 60
  18. RogerB


    I made this skin....You have to change the colors in the .css file..
  19. I have noticed in the last couple revs that users online seems kind of flaky..some times will work some times not....in all browsers.
  20. Last couple updates I noticed the rank image isn't showing in the main profile page...I have made no changes to mine to cause this.
  21. I'm obviously not joining your va...I didn't even get off the ground with this program it errored out right away.
  22. Where can I get the version shown in the shots??
  23. I will give this a spin tonight..
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