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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. Notepad++ also has a compare function you can download. You can load two files and compare the two and see what has changed, notepad will high-lite the diffs for you. Comes in handy when there are template changes.
  2. I am not seeing how this is a skin problem.. There is another good free one. Notepad ++
  3. You need to stop hating Tom, it gets you nowhere in life...I am making a new one this weekend, it just might be the new #1.....Thank you to the PHPVMS users for using my ported skin.......
  4. Unique?? When you say new, you mean for your VA correct?? Needs work....
  5. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    Copy and paste what you want to move. I warn you it may jack some things up. Might have to adjust the style sheet.
  6. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    Gave it a go. This is what i have so far. Any help is appreciated <div id="airline"> <p>Select airline:</p> <select id="airlines" name="airlines"> <option value="">Select Airline</option> <?php if(!$airlines) $airlines = array(); foreach($airlines as $airline) { echo '<option value="'.$airlines->code.'">'.$airlines->code .' ('.$airlines->name.')</option>'; } ?> </select> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Find Flights" /> </div>
  7. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    Crap, I forgot. I'll do it right now ...
  8. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    you downloaded the jacked up copy of my my template. Just letting you know. I am fixing now.
  9. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    Not sure how it happened, that copy is jacked up. I apologize....I will fix now. Anyone who may of downloaded that copy, clear your cache and download again. Update: that copy is fixed , I confirmed it works..Once again, sorry about that.
  10. RogerB

    painel lateral

    I see a picture of a plane. What does this have to do with skinning? Am I missing something?
  11. I had a super great landing in one of my aircraft don't remember which now and the system didn't update it. UPdate: Ok I found it. I had a landing in my B103 of-23 and it doesn't appear in the stats at all for that aircraft. and of course its the top landing for it. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS I USED "FSX" FOR THE FIRST TIME
  12. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    Sorry, all the files are there and it works on my site.
  13. RogerB


    Nothing to do with the skin. If you removed any of the default <div> tags that jacks things up. Finance looks fine in my default template. I keep telling everyone, SMALL changes then check your work that way you can back track what you've done. I'll warn you, the finance files can be a nightmare to edit if you don't know what your doing.
  14. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    If thats all you have, your missing half the page content..You need to remember that making SMALL changes is the best practice....
  15. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    I just downloaded it, all the files are there, must be something you caused. Use paste bin and send me your layout.tpl
  16. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    I'll try to whip that up tonight
  17. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    You mean if you have multipul airlines?? You would like to search that way?
  18. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    No worries, I haven't looked at this thread in a while so it was a coincidence ...LOL Trying to get off my lazy ass and get caught up on stuff.
  19. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    Hello, I have now released phpvms's most popular skin in the new format. I also integrated the table structure Nabeel uses for the crystal skin. I hope you enjoy. I can add other features to this, let me know if you have ideas.
  20. Arttom, did you read this thread??? That error was posted...LOL
  21. Alllllllrighty then!! I'll update
  22. Is this update ok? Seems there isn't alot going on with updates these days.
  23. When i change flight numbers or add new schedules I am getting this error. build 943 Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home1/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php on line 1011
  24. I have noticed this addon isn't pulling the stats any longer...Any ideas...The landing stats aren't updating.
  25. I do paints...and won't charge....what do you need?
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