Notepad++ also has a compare function you can download. You can load two files and compare the two and see what has changed, notepad will high-lite the diffs for you. Comes in handy when there are template changes.
You need to stop hating Tom, it gets you nowhere in life...I am making a new one this weekend, it just might be the new #1.....Thank you to the PHPVMS users for using my ported skin.......
Gave it a go. This is what i have so far. Any help is appreciated
<div id="airline">
<p>Select airline:</p>
<select id="airlines" name="airlines">
<option value="">Select Airline</option>
if(!$airlines) $airlines = array();
foreach($airlines as $airline)
echo '<option value="'.$airlines->code.'">'.$airlines->code
.' ('.$airlines->name.')</option>';
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Find Flights" />
Not sure how it happened, that copy is jacked up. I apologize....I will fix now. Anyone who may of downloaded that copy, clear your cache and download again.
Update: that copy is fixed , I confirmed it works..Once again, sorry about that.
I had a super great landing in one of my aircraft don't remember which now and the system didn't update it.
UPdate: Ok I found it. I had a landing in my B103 of-23 and it doesn't appear in the stats at all for that aircraft. and of course its the top landing for it. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS I USED "FSX" FOR THE FIRST TIME
Nothing to do with the skin. If you removed any of the default <div> tags that jacks things up. Finance looks fine in my default template. I keep telling everyone, SMALL changes then check your work that way you can back track what you've done.
I'll warn you, the finance files can be a nightmare to edit if you don't know what your doing.
Hello, I have now released phpvms's most popular skin in the new format. I also integrated the table structure Nabeel uses for the crystal skin. I hope you enjoy. I can add other features to this, let me know if you have ideas.
When i change flight numbers or add new schedules I am getting this error. build 943
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home1/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php on line 1011