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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. RogerB


    I agree with Tom...And its cleary not the best skin ever....Its an ok first attempt.
  2. I am interested...There must be a way to do the hours thing. Maybe add manually or something..
  3. Hello guys. ObsessBlue was delayed a week, its apparent that I can only count on myself to get things done. I am going to continue on my own with this project and hope to have Obsess 2.0 released after the holidays. I may need a few to test for me if you like. Merry xmas and happy new year.
  4. You can get it off my site, anyone can...No registration required.
  5. RogerB


    I have been going threw my financials more identifying issues...I found another problem month....I noticed in the view all reports area there is a next page button but no previous page...
  6. That is changed in the new 2.0 version.
  7. RogerB


    I fixed the problem flight, that didn't seem to help
  8. RogerB


    I found the problem flight...was a flight that had a huge mistake...but the fuel math is still off on every flight i checked. I can't recalculate the financials at this point so its still way off.
  9. RogerB


    I also see that the system isn't doing the math correctly for fuel pricing. One flight, used fuel=6979 @ $4.82: Doing the math that should be $33,638.78----The system shows $ 33,987.70...That appears to be a discrepancy of over 348 dollars...That just one I found.. The question was never answered: Why is the reset financials link gone??
  10. RogerB


    I see in month 5 of 2009 there is a huge spike...18 flights making 54million....something happened there
  11. All good points, but the whole point is you could enjoy a wide variety of flying..Bush, Airline,small regional, on and on...I have looked around and there is a wide variety...So it would be a function of the phpvms groups helping and looking out for one another, maybe share ideas... And Tom, that would be the whole point, we would, at least I would...Its variety and thats a good thing.
  12. I had an idea this morning........What if all of us who are active pilots get together and help one another out. My Idea is we join each others VA's so that all of us can enjoy some activity..I'm sure most of the quality VA's here have something that you like.....What do you guys think??
  13. RogerB


    Learn something new every day!!
  14. RogerB


    And you know what...If your going to lie, and pump your stats up, whats the point of doing this?? Like anyone with any brains can't tell.... If your the type to do that, your a > d o u c h e...
  15. RogerB


    My financials were correct at one point, and we do enter it correctly, thats why I posted....We have made no where near 3billion.
  16. Hello gents!! I wanted to give an update about ObsessBlue: Some of the new and helpful features will include, a style sheet containing labels to help the user know what they are editing, this means all the confusing stuff people had a hard time figuring out, labeling will also include the layout.tpl so you know what that stuff is as the names are confusing. We have totally revamped the pilot center, I think most of you will like it. We will also revamp the pilot public profile to look more visually pleasing and organized. After that OB is done!! We will make a totally new skin from scratch, no porting...I hope to get some previews up this weekend, if you want to see them join our forums!!! Have a great weekend!!
  17. Not sure if anyone has addressed this, doesn't seem like most VA care about their financials. At any rate the over all financials for my VA are way off....They state that my VA made 3billion last year. I no longer see an option to reset financials in the admin panel.
  18. Absolutely Mark, any help is welcomed.
  19. Hey gents. I have a forum up for FsPaintShop. I have decided that I am going to revamp ObsessBlue, I shall make it easier to edit, going to rehash the pilot center, and pilot public profile. From there I am going to make a new skin with the help of Daniel.
  20. RogerB

    VAForum 2

    This appears to be very limited as to functionality.
  21. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    Yes Nathan you can remove those. Alex that code doesn't work yet. I don't totally understand how Nabeel is pulling that info.
  22. RogerB

    Updating Phpvms

    None of that stuff gets affected. i wouldn't update the skins folder anyway. Only do the admin,core and in the lib directory up date the "js" directory. then run the update.php
  23. Oh yeah, solved is spelled wrong for this thread....
  24. Looking good daniel. I could use some graphical help with my next skin release. Let me know if your interested.
  25. I disagree, Kacars doesn't log as much info.
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