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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. What I don't understand is why people are pulling data from the schedules table in the first place. This isn't making sense, it doesn't seem to update correctly. Why wouldn't you pull it from the acarsdata table?? I tried all day and its obvious that i suck at php......
  2. Got it to show, but now its old flights. I want live. I had the database prefixes wrong.
  3. When I implement the code, nothing shows, I pretty much just want it to reflect the acars map. Live flights
  4. This isn't showing on my site. Not sure why.
  5. Sitelock. If you google this, you will see. site:kesukvirtual.com its showing regular pages as malware. stupid.
  6. I had my provider run a malware scan on my site, they found nothing. I joined a malware site that my host uses and they are saying much of phpvms code is malware.....Anyone else run into this?
  7. how can we change the time zone? Its reading my server time, I want Alaskan. I looked it up on some php sites but it doesn't make sense to me.
  8. That did it! Thanks
  9. yeah getting an error on line 21 also
  10. I am working on it. Its a bunch of bull. I had my site swept and its fine.
  11. Its Released captain.
  12. First, let me apologize for releasing script with malware. I am speaking of the new pilot control panel script I implemented in Obsess 2.0. I thought the site I downloaded the script from was reputable, guess not. I found out about this as my site was flagged by google for malware script, when I researched their claims I immediately recognized one of the offenders. At any rate i removed this line of code and re uploaded it to fspaintshop. Once again, sorry. You may also just remove the first line of code in that script that points to google.
  13. RogerB

    Obsess Blue

    It's in the admin panel under general settings.
  14. RogerB

    ObsessBlue 2.0

  15. RogerB

    ObsessBlue 2.0

    ObsessBlue 2.0 is done. I won't be making any other skins for a while, enjoy. This new release features a jquery sliding pilot profile, updated tables. I added helpful hints in the css file that should make for easier editing of this skin. Feel free to download at my site, make sure to clear your cache if you've been there before.
  16. I like the idea, phpvms has some other problems that need working out, but since the other developer released and bailed I don't see any reason it can't be fixed, and made easier to understand.
  17. my site was getting crushed so bad by this I had to remove the apply link.
  18. Hello gents! I have Obsess 2.0 finished finally. I am finishing some stuff on the back end up and I will do an official release. Have a look. The pilot center is not longer just a string of tabled links, i put it in a series of jquery panels. enjoy
  19. Good evening gents. I had a new idea with the pilot center today, I implemented this idea and so far it has turned out good. Demo log in info is listed in the news section if you want to demo it. Once I get it done Obsess 2.0 will be released, then I'm done with obesess.
  20. RogerB

    Obsess Blue Help

    You know I am not trying to be an Ahole here, but people keep posting problems with this skin that really aren't skin related 98% of the time. Take the time to look threw these forums before posting, and remember one more thing. ObsessBlue has been tested and works......And, if your opening a VA on free hosting, you've failed before you even started...if you can't pay a host then join a quality VA, there are enough that need help.
  21. Yeah, I would not recommend using the code he posted with your database info there, not smart. Just do what Mark said, much safer.
  22. Kurt I am glad you replied. I love your site and your VA, few days ago i was checking to see if you were still in business.
  23. I had an idea a while back and don't think I ever posted it, and I suck at coding so me doing it is out of the question..LOL My idea: Have a module for pop up for important messages in the pilot profile section when they log in. You could have a separate message for each pilot or make a general message for all pilots. This would be cool using jquery or something of the like.
  24. RogerB


    I went threw 2009 finances and it appears I cleared up all the fubars, but it didn't fix the numbers. I should show $21,745,281.55 in profit but still showing 3billion for some reason. This overview appears to show the correct data but the final numbers on chart are wrong.
  25. The schedules page is jacked up,not sure if there is code interfering or what...
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