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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. I Posted a link where you can get the VATSIM php code. I already do it. I am not sure how you mean integrate vataware??
  2. It only matters where the database is, phpvms and SMF have to be in the same database. I just did an export of my SMF database and imported it into phpvms.
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. RogerB

    ACARS Crashes

    Recently after a flight upon closing Flight Sim I realized I didn't send my ACARS log, ( my kids were ever and I was very distracted) I realized this when the acars crash message appeared. Next day I did the return flight and noticed that ACARS saved the log, when I tried to send the log for that flight I was reading over it and said, "this is yesterday's flight". The Moral is, if you experience an acars crash most likely you will be able to send that log upon completing your next flight, acars will have saved the log and will send it first when you click send log, then you will have to hit send log again to send your current flight. Hope this helps.
  6. Ok, I just ran an update, this puts me at 699........I still can't even add a download at this point.
  7. strike that working....
  8. I have the last beta, did a flight last night, my live map didn't work at all. 1.2.694
  9. I customized mine......
  10. Works great, thanks for your effort! ;D Maybe Nabeel could sticky these two versions or they could be put in the add on section.
  11. Sorry about the comment Nige, been a bad week and I shouldn't of done it. Much apologies. One other question, what setting does the forum need to be set on in the admin panel? Member activate, admin??
  12. Could you post the code for line 44?
  13. Everything appears to check out. Mine is also varchar 80. Tables check out
  14. I am using SMF 1.1.8 and it doesn't work. It shows in the newest member field but never actually creates the user in the database. I personally can't stand PHPBB.
  15. This doesn't work, stop telling people it does.
  16. Mine is much funnier.
  17. That is totally normal sir.
  18. I am sure Nabeel will be releasing soon. You could drop it right above the Bid link in Schedules_results.tpl then it would only show if your logged in.
  19. Check this out guys, I think you will like!!! Nabeel isn't done with it yet but this is a great feature!! ;D Click on the pilot brief link. http://www.kesukvirtual.com/index.php/Schedules/view
  20. Very nice man.
  21. I don't see how font sizing would jack the other php........
  22. I just added a new download to the site, the system isn't posting it and I can't change the category of the download, it doesn't save.
  23. Well, I guess I will just delete this module and worry about it later.
  24. RogerB


    I posted something about VATSIM php a while back, that also does metars.......
  25. Stay Thirsty my friends.
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