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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. Needs much work my friend, but its a start...At least your trying!!
  2. I see that I am not the only one that had his background imaged deleted thru the update..... > :(
  3. If you fly on VATSIM here is the official PHP site where you can show who is on line. http://www.bbflights.com/VatsimPHP/index.php
  4. In the admin panel when I set the profile field to "no" to show in profile, it does anyway.
  5. Echo the bids some how I suppose.
  6. Yeah, I did that already, it doesn't work.
  7. Sure did!!
  8. It will show in the pilot center but not on the public profile........
  9. For me its not working, it will only show awards for myself and no one else.
  10. Got the latest build, hours are still off. I checked one of my pilots with only 4 flights his hours read 4.11 but they are actually 3.31.....
  11. Nightfox, don't get pissed, but those large rank badges really don't look good, You may want to bring those down to a small size......Other than that, looking good!!
  12. The "flight from VA" function is great, but it still doesn't pull the correct aircraft. For me acars never updates after takeoff until you land (map), but i noticed for one other person it appears to work on their map......Other than those two small things ACARS has been rock solid..
  13. I just went through my hours on one pilot and the hours are off.....I don't have the latest version yet...
  14. When I edit a schedule the system is changing the reg number for some reason, it won't leave what is already there..........
  15. Great job Nabeel
  16. I see, it is happening to me also...
  17. Jack what build do you have?? The latest?
  18. Oh I see what you mean now.........Sorry..LOL
  19. I want to have a default avatar if the user doesn't have one selected, i have tried several different things to no avail ...... Something like this...Although it is not finished...
  20. Nabeel commented out the image part, its there you just have to put it where you want it to show.
  21. No shortage of lazy people........... ;D
  22. Wow, you yelled at me and Cody..........LOL
  23. when I create a page I am unable to delete it.
  24. I sent out a mass email today, it was blank.......what am i missing?
  25. I would find a much better picture for the header, way to many jaggies in that one....
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