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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. That needs much improvement.
  2. Not that I have noticed.
  3. RogerB

    Biz Skin

    Hello, here is a skin I finished a while back and forgot about. I did not do all the pages, only the links you can see, and the original index is included. Hope you like. Download at Fspaintshop.com
  4. RogerB


    Here is Compromise, hope it is useful to someone. As always I didn't port all the pages. I included the original index file. Download at fspaintshop
  5. RogerB


    Jordan, are you the CSS police or what? :
  6. Nabeel found a little boo boo in the code so 712 will work. http://downloads.phpvms.net get the beta.zip
  7. I forgot to mention, make sure you've updated to the latest beta, 712
  8. Nabeel fixed the latest bids module, there is a read me included. You don't need to alter tables or anything else. Bids_module.zip
  9. Yeah, I gave up on this one, never worked and nobody seem to care, so screw it I moved on.
  10. RogerB

    New Skin

    what ever that template is using needs to be in the nav.tpl so they render correctly.
  11. RogerB

    New Skin

    You will have to adjust the nav.tpl to match what is in your skin and put in your skin folder. The link tags have to match the template.
  12. He adds the link to show in the template, it commented out. Put it where you like.
  13. Yeah, I have a flight plan section in my downloads.
  14. RogerB


    I will leave the color up to the user, I merely port these, changing colors and what not isn't that hard at all. The suck thing is just me having some fun. I may finish this temp up tonight, if I do I will let you know.
  15. RogerB


    Check out the latest skin I am working on. Let me know what you think, and anything you would like added. Thanks. 8) http://www.pirateairvirtual.com
  16. That is a style sheet issue.
  17. I did this, it works good. I put it after the "your latest flight" field. <?php echo 'Your current location is '.$report->arricao; ?>
  18. Hey Vince I posted something in the FAQ section about acars, most of the time when there is a crash the flight is saved.
  19. Wow, some of your pages need fixed G-NewC. Looks like some <div> tags are missing.
  20. Lets keep it real, ok......that looks bad. Start over......
  21. OK, I noticed in the code your calling "last bid". Where is that coming from? I don't have it in my database anywhere that I can see.
  22. I don't understand why its not cooperating with me damn it..........LOL
  23. strike that, found a couple of files I forgot about, all is well now.
  24. My live map isn't showing flights, I tried reinstalling the latest beta but no luck.
  25. I see what you mean.......I believe I have brought this up before....
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