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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. RogerB


    You really shouldn't delete those, they aren't hurting anything......If I'm not mistaken the system will still need those for past flights..........You could jack up your financials and what not.
  2. You may need some sort of redirect code to do it......
  3. Not sure if anyone has noticed this or having the same issue. My charters change every day so that means I am activating and deactivating them everyday. Well, when I go to edit a schedule the system swithces the aircraft on me for some reason, in particular the Beriev I am using. It seems to only switch this one for some reason, I have two and it defaults to the 243 reg number.....I am really having to keep an eye now when editing cause of this.
  4. RogerB


    Ahhhhhh, it already is........ ???
  5. I have the original index.html in the skin folder, it works...........
  6. Yeah, I have done all that, no go........Not sure what is wrong.
  7. Nabeel, you and I talked about this a while back. I am trying to release 3 more skins, but it seems the java I am trying to use never wants to work in PHPVMS, is there a reason why?
  8. Are you a free web?? That is a big no no in the VA world.
  9. RogerB

    Skin Release

    Thank you Lotus...
  10. Alec, I am looking for good, motivated people for Kesuk....Maybe you would be a fit for the team??
  11. RogerB


    This script works good in both FF and IE...... <script> //specify redirect url var redirecturl="PUT THE URL HERE!!" //specify pause duration before redirection (in seconds) var pausefor=2 //DONE EDITING function postaction(){ if (window.timer){ clearInterval(timer) clearInterval(timer_2) } window.location=redirecturl } setTimeout("postaction()",pausefor*1000) </script>
  12. RogerB


    Nah, same deal. didn't work
  13. RogerB


    Ok, this makes no sense but I had to remove one closing div tag, then I removed the script and it looked good. I added the java script again and it starts pulling the page up again.
  14. RogerB


    If I take the script out it doesn't work. As stated before it doesn't do that in IE....
  15. I just remembered that I had a rejected flight, that might be why....My bad......LOL
  16. RogerB


    Here is what i Mean. It doesn't do this in IE.
  17. RogerB


    It looks fine in IE, but in FF it looks bad, the whole page gets sucked up to the top..........
  18. Yeah after a pirep is filed it could reactivate I suppose, but my charters change every day so.....
  19. RogerB


    <script type="text/javascript"> window.location = "<?php echo $redir;?>"; </script> There isn't??
  20. ahhh, got it Nabeel. never noticed that before..LOL
  21. I would say once the flight is bid on the system could just put that route in the inactive schedules list and leave it for the admins to reactivate.
  22. RogerB


    Is there a way to not use the java for downloads and logging in?
  23. Yes there is. go in to core/modules/pages/pages.php........there is some code for including the title, just remove it...Or just don't put a title.....either way.
  24. Very unique, I like it...Well done sir!!
  25. RogerB


    For some templates you may have to change the code when it comes to the pirep pages because it stops the content if there are no pireps. You need to change it to this if there are problems. <?php if(!$pireps) { $pireps=array(); } ?> <?php foreach($pireps as $report) { ?> Did you try adding another </div> tag to the log in page?? Make extra sure your footer code is correct...
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