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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. Yeah, I discovered that the hard way, leave that rank alone you don't have to use it.
  2. Nabeel!! Any updates yet???
  3. i understand its stored, but it still shows on the site.
  4. Ok, did you see the other issues? I was messing with it today and every now and again the system will error out and go to a white page.Also, when I refused a pilot the pilot was not removed from the system.
  5. Ok, I just go into phpmyadmin and do it there. That won't muck anything up will it?
  6. I figured out how to make the rank show in the view pilots admin panel. I tried to add a function where you could change a pilots rank in the admin panel, had no luck. So No i didn't.
  7. I addded the pilot rank when you view registered pilots, it works good.
  8. I was looking into a way to for us to be able to change a pilot's rank manually in the admin panel. can you stear me in the right direction?
  9. I sent you my log in info for the site, if you want to have a look at the errors. thanks.
  10. I did a reinstall, did the CHMODS, same problem, people can't join, can't add groups.......Really frustrated at this point.Edit: I can add people manually in the database, and add groups, just not from the website.Edit 2: You can't change your own password. I did it in the admin panel, when I tried to log in I was told my account had not been approved by an administrator. I had to use the other admin account to fix that. Lots of bugs so far, for me anyway.
  11. I will do another reinstall. Its my weekend with my kids so I will be gone till Sunday night. As stated before all the messengers i use are listed in here. I really hope this works so this project can start to get off the ground. I would like to talk with you about the skin aspect. Maybe we can chat in my Team Speak server some time.
  12. My instant messenger is listed on here. This is a new install.
  13. Bump, guess you missed my post?
  14. Update: 1. pages added can't be removed 2. Can't add pilot groups 3. I just found out the registration isn't working.I just checked all the required CHmods, they are all correct.
  15. I understand that,and read that page. But the changes affect all the pages, what if I don't want all my pages to have the same layout? I edited the styles CSS and got the front page all fixed, now the pilot page is all jackeud up and in the center of the page. I don't want every page to have the same layout. I guess I just don't know what I'm doing... :evil:
  16. Ok, I can't delete a page I make, I can't make any Pilot groups. Getting the pages to look the way I want is proving to be a nightmare.
  17. Ok, I got a few things working. But the content from vms is showing at the botom of my page and I can't for the life of me figure out why.
  18. Ok, got about the Hub thing. When I click add group it sais "there was an error!" and goes to this white page. Thats about the only issue right now.
  19. Hello. I did a new install, when I try to add a pilot goup it errors out. I did the CHMod to all the folders that require it. I also don't see an area to add a hub.
  20. RogerB

    html question

    So I could copy the Css from my site into where you described in essence.
  21. RogerB

    html question

    Hello, its been a while since I have visited. If you have an html site already in use, one can use your documentation to integrate this system in to a site correct? To make it look the way you want is what I mean.
  22. Ok, the install is good. The admin section doesn't work, is it supposed to?
  23. I did all the chmods you ask for and it does no good. I am heading out for a bit...I will check here later...
  24. check the new forum you just created captain!!
  25. Ok, went to mysite.com/trunk. got an error. so i went to mysite.com/trunk/install/install.php. Got this error.Fatal error: Call to a member function get_results() on a non-object in /home/pirateai/public_html/trunk/core/classes/DB.class.php on line 124
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