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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. I thought you guys would enjoy seeing the current best looking PHPVMS site. Its not quite finished at this point as I have recently moved. http://www.kesukvirtual.com
  2. I only use the numbers and have now issues, other than the bids not closing.
  3. I'm sure its possible.....Check out the part that shows you how to put your fleet info in acars! Your fleet will be in the drop down menus and your pilots won't have to type it in.
  4. RogerB

    Fleet info file

    Hey guys I thought I would share something I found with you. You can make a fleet file for acars, this will show your fleet in the drop down menu with Registration numbers and all. you don't have to put in the flaps info unless you record that, my VA doesn't. Below is an example of my VA's fleet info, I fill all that out and save as KSKplanes.txt. change the KSK to your VA's call letters and drop it in the main FSAcars directory and you will see your fleet in the drop down menus. {the letters must match whats in your VA's config file!!} You won't have to fill that info in any longer!! Just make sure you separate different Reg numbers and Sel cal numbers with commas like I did.[Plane.0]Name=B103Reg=N121KV,N243KVSel=Flaps=Up[Plane.1]Name=AT72Reg=N610KV,N655KVSel=KV-AK,RB-TMFlaps=Up,0º,15º,30º[Plane.2]Name=B190Reg=N580KV,N585KVSel=BC-HC,HC-BCFlaps=Up,4º,20º,DN[Plane.3]Name=L100Reg=N100KVSel=LK-MNFlaps=
  5. Hey if you read the FsAcars documents you can make a fleet file also, so that all your aircraft will appear in the drop down menus.
  6. That did the trick!! Good job Nabeel.
  7. This is the same issue I am having, since the update you can't view my custom pages when not logged in. I have tried everything I can think of.
  8. I had no issue with flight numbers.
  9. I am also having this issue, glad to hear it isn't just me.
  10. Ok, did my first acars flight. It went well. For this flight I made a bid, this bid was not closed when I finished. None of the data shows on the PIREP when I go to it. The flight numbers aren't showing either. The data shows in the admin panel--let me clarify that.
  11. I have tried several different ways, but I can't register a new user on my site. I don't get any error, it goes right back to the Reg page and does not register.I also don't see the download link for the acars config??
  12. RogerB


    No, I entered .40 Troy put 0.40..........I guess the system didn't like the missing 0 in front of the decimal point. After i submitted the PIREP , the system filled in all 1's in the data fields and it was jacked after that...
  13. RogerB


    Last night Troy and I were testing some flights....I did a 40 minute flight and put in the info in...I entered the time as .40 and it blew the pirep up!! LOL So Troy did one and entered as 0.40 and we are good...Just thought I would share...
  14. I added all that, can view it in the admin section but it won't save.....why wouldn't this system have a day of the week anyway?????????????
  15. Notes field?? Come on Nabeel you know me better than that. I added it in sql, as stated in my previous post it would not save in the admin section even though the field was in SQL. I got it to post in the schedule details section, but it refuses to save in the admin panel.
  16. I added a custom field to the schedule in the admin panel so that we could put the day of the week to the route. I added this field to the data base and to the file in the admin panel. It will not save in the admin panel for some reason. Can you steer me in the right direction?
  17. It would be based on both, the higher the rank the more you make per hour. I had a link to a real world pilot site that explained ranks and pay structure.but you would be payed by the hour, like I said the higher your rank the more you make.
  18. I wanted to suggest a pilot pay module, I think this would be a popular add on or module. It would be nice to assign pay by rank. What do you think??
  19. This sounds great!!! If you guys need something ask!!!
  20. Does this include the custom fields?
  21. Ok, great. That will be important for those wanting to be a VATSIM partner airline.
  22. You and I spoke about this before. I want to show the Pilots VATSIM id's in the Pilots Profile page. It isn't working. Just figured I would post to remind you.
  23. Is there away for us to display fixes and VOR's in our mapts like VATAware does??
  24. Freekin Internet Explorer, always causing problems.
  25. did you do the proper CHMOD's????
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