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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. RogerB

    The Zen Skin

    Listen the both of you could go on forever so who gives a shite. If I don't want to help someone because I feel they won't try then I just ignore the thread.......Lastly I accept no excuses, I had ,and still have very little coding knowledge before using this system but I kept plugging away and figured it out, and trust me, I wish there would of been a video when I started this!!! Bottom line, don't wanna help someone, don't, don't want to try, then don't, but don't expect people to help you if your not trying.............
  2. RogerB

    Clowdy Skin

    I have ported another skin for PHPVMS, have a look on my site www.fspaintshop.com. I left some comments in the code to guide you, make sure and read them. Not all of the pages have been made ready for the skin but it has a good start.
  3. RogerB

    Skin Release

    I have released a skin for phpvms on my site, www.fspaintshop.com. Its called Aqua. Feel free to check it out!! I have two more for release that need finishing. You can view this skin at www.pirateairvirtual.com
  4. RogerB

    The Zen Skin

    If the tutorials don't help, then find some one else to do it, there is nothing else that can be explained. I mean we actually show it in a Video, you won't find a lot of sites doing that.
  5. RogerB

    The Zen Skin

    Looks great. Its nice to see someone doing it on their own, not in here crying, "I don't know how"....
  6. RogerB


    I actually used that skin as a test, it easy to use.
  7. Yeah take this s*** to Flight Sim World where it belongs.........geez
  8. Military VA?? That makes no sense............
  9. I am using xp pro. i am using the latest fsuipc...Your last few builds weren't doing this, very strange.....
  10. And you steal an image off another VA's site?? And that is obviously the same template, don't insult our intelligence please.
  11. I have reinstalled many times, wiped out the whole thing...............I will look at the local.cofig.
  12. My Template is very complicated also, there have been 3 tutorials made but I guess people just don't want to try. You can download the templates nabeel and I used and follow along with either one of our tutorials. Oh and a word of caution, I've seen some of the sites on here, most are awful. beware of who is helping you. No offense....
  13. I already had the beta....
  14. Yeah when i try to save I get a "data type conversion error" here too....also for me its not recording flight time.
  15. RogerB


    Ok, that last few revisions, I have had no luck getting acars to work correctly. I did a flight today and up on trying to accept the flight i get a "unable to save wrong file type" error. The flight stated it was over 65000 hours, the flight number didn't show correctly, I put KSK1003 as the number in ACARS. Right now for me ACARS is as fu@*ed up as a football bat...The flight was also -1.00 hours thus causing me to have negative pay. The acars install is new on my pc.......I don't know what other info to give...... > > > > The angry smileys aren't aimed at you Nabeel, ACARS pisses me off some times....
  16. Mine won't even show the image at all....
  17. This is how to get the images to show, put this in your downloads_list.tpl and save to you skins. <img src="<?php echo $download->image ?>" />
  18. Ok that fixed it, but the images won't show.
  19. Did you watch the Tuts??
  20. Love the new site!!!! dude!!
  21. RogerB

    I updated

    Ok, fixed the map thing. I noticed the only thing the signatures will generate is a black background for some reason. I just made an image to see if it would work, and gave that directory write privileges.
  22. All you need to do is copy all the footer code from your original html template and paste it in the footer.tpl in your skin folder. I explained this in the tuts. A skin is divided in to 3 main parts and they are all separate files. header.tpl, frontpage_main.tpl, and footer.tpl. Those 3 files make up your entire home page together. Once you get your frontpage_main.tpl looking good, model all the other template files like that and save to your skin folder. On your other pages, your using the header again, thats wrong. You only use the header and links one time. when making other pages do not use the header or footer, just the page content. Your refusal to watch and understand the video tuts is not helping you.
  23. RogerB

    I updated

    Also getting these errors on the schedule details page..Oh yeah and no notes either...LOL Warning: Missing argument 2 for GoogleMapAPI::addMarkerIcon(), called in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/lib/skins/kesuk/route_map.tpl on line 17 and defined in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/core/common/GoogleMapAPI.class.php on line 889 Warning: Missing argument 3 for GoogleMapAPI::addMarkerIcon(), called in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/lib/skins/kesuk/route_map.tpl on line 17 and defined in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/core/common/GoogleMapAPI.class.php on line 889 Warning: Missing argument 2 for GoogleMapAPI::addMarkerIcon(), called in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/lib/skins/kesuk/route_map.tpl on line 20 and defined in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/core/common/GoogleMapAPI.class.php on line 889 Warning: Missing argument 3 for GoogleMapAPI::addMarkerIcon(), called in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/lib/skins/kesuk/route_map.tpl on line 20 and defined in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/core/common
  24. RogerB

    I updated

    Hope your ok mang!!!
  25. RogerB

    I updated

    Also, I am unable to add any downloads, I can add the category's but nothing else.
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