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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. RogerB

    I updated

    I updated this morning, I threw my skin in the lib folder. I know that I must update some of the templates, but when I threw in some of the changes its jacking my site just from entering one bit of php code. Mainly the pilots public profile page... > > Anyone else experiencing this?
  2. Yeah kind of like what was said in Tutorial #1....LOL
  3. You didn't find the tutorial that great? What your asking is exactly what I explained in the tutorials...Matter of fact, everything you said wasn't, is in fact mentioned in my first tutorial.
  4. I just did the update, graph works great for me. All do.
  5. It worked fine for me also, I haven't tried this update yet.
  6. I hate PHPBB, I use SMF....did you guys get this working?
  7. If you don't have a database where would the info go???
  8. Remember guys, don't alter the core/templates. Save those is case you make a boo boo.
  9. Got it!! Thanks. Some how that table got jacked up.
  10. Hey Nabeel, I did a test transfer of my user database. It didn't go well so I restored a backup I made but now I can't get in to the admin panel. Any ideas??
  11. That is really bad, you need to start over mang......Sorry there is now easy way to put that....
  12. go to www.oswd.org and you will see tons of HTML templates.
  13. So no support for SMF? I don't like PHPBB
  14. Still need one? Let me know
  15. Is this for SMF or any forum?
  16. RogerB

    i need help

    Use the tutorials.
  17. Did you get this working? I am very interested...
  18. yeah i can get that to you if you like, PM me.
  19. What ever it takes mang!! I know we don't really use it.
  20. I did one on our test site, it all worked fine.
  21. I had a lot of issues running it locally, but it worked. Some of the links had to be changed.
  22. You should post the error so we can see exactly what it is.
  23. You did make a Hub correct?
  24. I have an account with them.
  25. Hey Nabeel, when I do a search of my L-100 it only comes up with one route, when there are clearly 14 for the aircraft. Has something changed in that template that would cause that? i did update to the new template.
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