Hello sir,
My name is Simone Catalano
I have purchase the module Award System, but i have BIG problem with installation.
Please Help Me:
In Skype I am avaible , my name is : simone25112
Thank You for help
Best Regards
How do you put pictures on pilots flying for example one that is on a cruise I would put a picture to indicate that.
How is it done?
Best Regards
Hello Pilots i have one problem on TemplateSet.class.php
Look image
1) http://gyazo.com/2c0...8e9c00c91c761fe
2) http://gyazo.com/d67...7d0998fea147d62
Hello Pilots
01/11/2013 The day you opened the new virtual ARABIA MAROC
for all the drivers, the virtual is completely free and is currently pending in the database ivao.
I invite you to come to our website and register.
Site = http://airarabia-va.com/Maroc/ or click here
Forum = http://forum.airarabia-va.com/Maroc/
today i have download the events module , but don't work.
show this message
Best Regards