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Everything posted by simonecatalano

  1. Ok thanks
  2. how do you get to see this log? Whacth the picture !! click here Thanks
  3. This post is delete thanks
  4. Very Nice
  5. very nice
  6. Delete Post
  7. Thanks [CLOSED]
  8. Hello Friend how edit the max schedule view, for error duplication .....look the picture http://qs.lc/1el2 Thank you
  9. Thank you very much
  10. How i copy this <img src"<?php echo SITE_URL;?>/lib/images/countries/<?php echo strtolower($pilot->location);?>.png" alt="" />
  11. It possible view the image country on my staff online ? ---------------------> look the picture http://qs.lc/o7p5 Thanks
  12. Try copy this <?php $flights = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount(10); < ---------------------- insert at your choise (10) $string = ""; foreach($flights as $flight) { $string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+'; } ?> <style type="text/css"> #tabledlist { color: #7d3200; } </style> <img src="http://www.gcmap.com/map?P=<?php echo $string ?>&MS=bm&MR=240&MX=650x300&PM=pemr:diamond7:red%2b%22%25I%22:red&PC=%230000ff" /> <?php $count = 5; $pireps = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount($count); ?> <table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter" width="100%" border = "1"> <thead> <tr> <th bgcolor="#7d3200"><font color="#FFFFFF">Flight</font></th> <th bgcolor="#7d3200"><font color="#FFFFFF">Departure</font></th> <th bgcolor="#7d3200"><font color="#FFFFFF">Arrival</font></th> <th bgcolor="#7d3200"><font color="#FFFFFF">Duration</font></th> <th bgcolor="#7d3200"><font color="#FFFFFF">Pilot</font></th> <th bgcolor="#7d3200"><font color="#FFFFFF">Status</font></th> </tr> </tdead> <tbody> <?php if(count($pireps) > 0) { foreach ($pireps as $pirep) { { $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($pirep->pilotid); $pilotid = PilotData::getPilotCode($pilotinfo->code, $pilotinfo->pilotid); if($pirep->accepted == '0') $status = 'REJECTED'; if($pirep->accepted == '1') $status = 'ACCEPTED'; else $status = 'PENDING'; } ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $pirep->code.$pirep->flightnum; ?></td> <td><?php echo $pirep->depicao; ?></td> <td><?php echo $pirep->arricao; ?></td> <td><?php echo $pirep->flighttime; ?></td> <td><?php echo $pilotinfo->firstname.' '.$pilotinfo->lastname; ?></td> <td><?php if($pirep->accepted == PIREP_ACCEPTED) echo 'Accepted'; elseif($pirep->accepted == PIREP_REJECTED) echo 'Rejected'; elseif($pirep->accepted == PIREP_PENDING) echo 'Approval Pending'; elseif($pirep->accepted == PIREP_INPROGRESS) echo 'Flight in Progress'; ?> </td> </tr> <?php }} else { echo '<tr><td>There are no recent flights!</td></tr>'; } ?> </tbody> </table> Bye
  13. IT possible insert the landing rate and the Aircraft? What the code? Thanks
  14. Hello Frieds Now one my pilots fly but not view on /scars. Live map Why? What is error ? [CLOSED]
  15. Thank you work!!! very much for this is module
  16. I have this is error ALL WHITE left page , right , down Look http://qs.lc/2db3 Thanks
  17. Link not valid please update the link!! Thanks Very much
  18. Hello Pilots, How insert the IMAGE COUNTRY on staff online before the name ? Look the picture http://qs.lc/3cm8 Thanks very much!!
  19. I how view the image awards?
  20. Hello I how insert this line <th>Status</th> and this <td><?php if($pilot->retired == '1') {echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/yourskin/images/no.png" alt="warning" /> - Retired';} else {echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/yourskin/images/yes.png" alt="warning" /> - Active';} ?></td> Thanks
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