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Everything posted by simonecatalano

  1. Thanks
  2. How change the color of link?
  3. Thanks
  4. Hello i have one problem in the schedule/view No route passed http://gyazo.com/ab0ba9b45c2ea6dfa49dda5da9739fce Why? Thanks
  5. New Link http://www.airarabia-va.com
  6. Good Sir WADIE thanks for Staff !
  7. Hello sir, My name is Simone Catalano I have purchase the module Award System, but i have BIG problem with installation. Please Help Me: In Skype I am avaible , my name is : simone25112 Thank You for help Best Regards
  8. How insert the slideshow in the banner ?
  9. How do you put pictures on pilots flying for example one that is on a cruise I would put a picture to indicate that. How is it done? Thanks Best Regards
  10. Hello Pilots i have one problem on TemplateSet.class.php Look image 1) http://gyazo.com/2c0...8e9c00c91c761fe 2) http://gyazo.com/d67...7d0998fea147d62 Thanks
  11. Deleted Post by ME All ok
  12. Confirm this ? https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-Event-Booking
  13. Ah ... ops Ex cuse now try with this. Thanks bye
  14. Please your name of Github account Thanks
  15. Ok Thanks Best Regards
  16. Please Link the download of last version Thanks Best Regards
  17. Amazing
  18. Hello Pilots 01/11/2013 The day you opened the new virtual ARABIA MAROC for all the drivers, the virtual is completely free and is currently pending in the database ivao. I invite you to come to our website and register. Site = http://airarabia-va.com/Maroc/ or click here Forum = http://forum.airarabia-va.com/Maroc/
  19. Hello today i have download the events module , but don't work. show this message http://gyazo.com/deaec290385618263dde9cca16373bb6 Thanks Best Regards
  20. Hello today i have purchased the FAQ module but don't work ? this is image http://qs.lc/97gt Why? Thank You
  21. How insert the table in this skins ? â–¬ Thanks
  22. Please Update the link of download
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