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Everything posted by MrAmsterdam

  1. hi guys, is it possible to add the purchased items in the pilotcenter for every pilot to see what they have bought? regards Lucas
  2. I would like to but we only have 4 members :-)
  3. Anyone think of the system, i have the legs :-)
  4. Guys, I am looking for a teamspeak 3 server. Is this a good option? Just want to know people's experience with your server Ada :-) Regards Lucas ps. is it just like fivedev a month to month subscription and i can stop whenever i like?
  5. damn, this is a sweet addon!!
  6. pm has been sent. thanks jeff.
  7. Guys, My right column is all the way down to the right. I tried to adjust the CSS file a little, but no luck. this problem only appears to be on internet explorer. With Chrome i dont have an issue... What could the solution be? Look at http://www.serious-airlines.com thanks! Lucas
  8. wow looks awesome!!!!
  9. Hi guys, When i go to my admin panel and select the reports & expenses, then select the financial repports i select EHAM (or another ICAO) in the filter field and select Departure airport. when i click 'filter' the following error pops up: Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Finance::viewreporttype=&submit=view+report' was given in /home/seriousa/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218 I tried to search the forum for this error but i could not find anything. Hope you guys can help me out. Regards, Lucas
  10. The newly painted 767-300 has arrived in Amsterdam! See the screenshot below!! http://serious-airlines.com/pics/1279653372_sa-767-300.JPG
  11. Well, everything is already set to high. As far as i know everytthing is set to high on my videocard. I didn't have that problem before.. Anti Aliasing? trilinear filtering or something?? Hopefully you can help me out here? Lucas
  12. OK Tom, I don't know what the skin looks like, yet.. so i'll be waiting for that first. If it looks ok, i'll be willing to pay for it obviously! I'll wait for Joeri... thanks for the reply! Lucas
  13. ??
  14. Amen!
  15. Hi everyone, Just throwing a question out there. I have a Nvidia 8800GTS videocard and i also use Nhancer to enhance the graphics. Now, my problem is that when i go out of my plane and look at the taxiway in the distance... i see that the lines on the taxiway and other details are blurry or something like that. i really dont know how to explain. Maybe you can see the video i attach to this post... Its similar to my problem.... Hope someone can tell me what settings i should adjust... Lucas
  16. @ Simpilot, did he react to any of your messages yet? It's pretty dumb for people to do something like that. Before you know it, the cool stuff stays away and the "honest" people are being hurt here. in any case, i don't know if i said it before... Simpilot, thanks for the awesome addons and the help! i love my virtual airline even though it could use a fresh design... :-) KUDO'S! Lucas
  17. Hey T, I just wanted to let you know that it works like a charm!! Thanks for the help! See the result @ http://www.serious-airlines.com Lucas
  18. ok. you can send it to me if you like. Let me know if there are costs towards Tom... ? After i check the skin and use it, i'll be happy to pay for it. Regards Lucas
  19. I am also interested in someone who has some nice skinning skills :-) Please let me know what the possibilities are and the costs of course. Regards Lucas
  20. I would say, start with the basics. Get the Fivedev hosting and install PHPVMS. From there the ideas will pop up on it own.. Also, browse around the Va's that are using PHPVMS.. i recommend that you take a look at Westjet first.. at http://www.westjetvirtual.net/ its an amazing Va. Ofcourse, looka t mine @ http://www.serious-airlines.com i also have the hosting from fivedev... check out the speed! :-) Later Lucas
  21. Thanks for the help!! that did it. Just one more thing and then i will keep quiet for a while :-) When you look at the right picture @ http://serious-airlines.com/index.php/Screenshots you only see the boost karma button's left side... is this also in the same file or is that a skinning problem? Regards, Lucas
  22. Hi TAV1702, Could you help me out a little more here? i am looking and searching through the forums... i cant seem to find the topic that provides the solution to my image problem.. i know i am a little pain in the ... but really i searched through almost the whole forum without luck.. or maybe its just me not understanding it.. hope you can help me once again.. Lucas
  23. Allrighty!! Thanks!!
  24. Hi Simpilot, i would like to thank you very much for this addon! I just have one question. when you click the following link the half of the image is gone.... is this a template problem or is is possible to open the screenshot out of the gallery in a new window? :-) http://serious-airlines.com/index.php/Screenshots/large_screenshot?id=2 Thanks in advance, Lucas
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