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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. You need to change your DB query to fetch data ordered by pilot ID. Try this: $sql = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots ORDER BY pilotid"
  2. Can u try it with google chrome or firefox?
  3. Would you like to give me access to your cpanel so that I can look thorough and find the problem?
  4. There is a restriction on the results page on pilot's rank. If the pilot's rank is lower than the aircraft's rank used in the schedule then the system will not show that schedule. Try transferring to different locations to see if this is the case.
  5. I do have a custom CSS but that shouldn't be a problem since it can be modified.
  6. Are you logged in when you open the module? Do you see your current location at the first page?
  7. When you open the module what do you see as the current location? If it's empty then you're missing something in the installation process.
  8. Attached, I'm sending you my pilots_list.php which is working as we have this conversation. Put this file inside your skin folder and if it doesn't work then I think you better reinstall phpvms. pilots_list.php
  9. Did you replace the whole pilots_list.php with my code?
  10. The code I provided is for the whole page. replace all content with mine.
  11. ok then you need to add it like this: Config::Set('SIGNATURE_FONT_PATH', SITE_ROOT.'/lib/fonts/ARLRDBD.TTF'); You need to add this first. : Config::Set('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT', true);
  12. Open local.config.php and look for '# Options for the signature that's generated' and see what the font path is.
  13. Try this: <table> <?php $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots"; $pilots = DB::get_results($sql1); $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_airports"; $airps = DB::get_results($sql2); foreach($airps as $airp) { if($airp->hub > 0) { $h = $airp->icao; $p = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots WHERE hub = '$h'"; $pi = DB::get_results($p); ?> <thead> <tr><td align="center" colspan="6" ><font size="4"><?php echo $airp->icao;?> (<?php echo $airp->name;?>)</font></td></tr> <tr><th style="text-align: center;" bgcolor="#00405e" colspan="6"> </th></tr> <tr> <td>Pilot ID</td> <td>Pilot Location</td> <td>Pilot Name</td> <td>Pilot Rank</td> <td>Pilot Total Flights</td> <td>Pilot Total Hours</td> </tr> </thead> <?php foreach($pi as $p) { if(!$pi) { ?> <tr><td colspan="6">No Pilots At This HUB</td></tr> <?php } else { $rank = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_ranks WHERE rank = '$p->rank'"; $ran = DB::get_row($rank); ?> <tr> <td><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$p->pilotid);?>"><?php echo $p->code.$p->pilotid;?></a></td> <td><img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($p->location);?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($p->location);?>" ></td> <td><?php echo $p->firstname.' '.$p->lastname?></td> <td><img src="<?php echo $ran->rankimage?>" alt="<?php echo $p->rank;?>" ></td> <td><?php echo $p->totalflights;?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo Util::AddTime($p->totalhours, $p->transferhours); ?></td> </tr> <?php } } } } ?> </table
  14. Are they all used under the same skin?
  15. For date joined, inside the foreach loop add a table row like this: <tr><td>Date Joined:</td></tr> . . . . <tr><td><?php echo $pilot->joindate ;?></td></tr> For the last arrival location inside foreach loop: <?php $pid = $pilot->pilotid; $sql = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE pilotid = '$pid' ORDER BY submitdate DESC"; $pirep = DB::get_row($sql); ?> <tr><td>Last Location:</td></tr> . . . . <tr><td><?php echo $pirep->arricao ;?></td></tr>
  16. Yes it's possible but you'll have to change several core files to achieve that. profile_edit.php would be a start for you.
  17. You'll need to fetch each airline's data separately and show it to its own page. What I understand is that you have total hours for all airlines in each airline page. For that, you need a function to sum the hours based on airline code: public static function airline_hours($code) { $sql="SELECT SUM(flighttime) FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE code = '$code'"; return DB::get_row($sql); } Now to show this for each airline you need to give it the airline code variable (ex. AIC) like this: Your Common File::airline_hours(AIC);
  18. I have been trying to make the table update time shorter and wasn't successful. Where can I change the interval for updating the table?
  19. When a flight is booked the bid ID goes into schedules bidid column. When the pirep is submitted or filed the schedules table gets updated and bidid column changes to 0. For some reason that's not happening when the pirep is filed in your website. If you open schedules table in DB and sort the bidid column you can see the bid IDs that were inserted and then you can change them all to 0. This will temporary resolves your issue but you need to find out why your schedules table doesn't get updated on pirep submit.
  20. Yes you can. You'll need to delete the recaptcha code from registration form but that's not all since you'll have to modify the registration module and delete the code that checks for recaptcha before the process can go through which I wouldn't suggest!
  21. Try this: $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE pilotid='$pilotid' AND flighttype = 'H' AND accepted=1"; 'C' is for charter flights. 'H' is for cargo.
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