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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. Are you using phpVMS? Cause in the link you provided it seems to be using something other than phpVMS. If the answer is yes then you might want to check your installation or better yet re-install the software.
  2. Open local.config.php in Core folder and look for the following: Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 720); 720 is the number you need to change and is equal to 12 hrs.
  3. The easiest way to fix this is to create an email account with your host and use it for phpvms.
  4. It came across my mind that in order to simulate pilot jump seat, you'll have to have some kind of a location system or module otherwise it's just something useless since the schedules and flights are not based on pilot location by default but if you just want this to be there then Web541's module is your answer.
  5. I will need access to your site to find out what's wrong. If you're willing to do so, please send me your cpanel login info in private message and I will fix that for you.
  6. What about pilot location is it set?
  7. Have you added your airports and aircraft in admin?
  8. It's already there. There must be a slight difference between the aircraft names that causes that.
  9. You need to open dashboard.php file inside your admin folder and add them there.
  10. I'm unable to view your attached image!!!
  11. Latest version is 5.5x by Simpilot
  12. Noted and images added. Please download and replace "lib" folder at github
  13. I removed all the styles because of the use of different skins by VAs, so yes that's the way it looks.
  14. There is an update. Please download and replace modules/wthr/wthr.php and templates/weather/weather.php from github. Change log: -The use of phpVMS built-in functions has been avoided. Reason Some airfields are not yet added to phpVMS DB and that makes the module to not showing the results for all ICAOs.
  15. I always wonder why some of Airline mangers avoid upgrading their phpVMS and insist of using the old versions!!!!!!!! Everyone, I am creating these new modules with the latest version of phpVMS which is 5.5x by Simpilot. Since I'm creating these modules as my hobby and never get paid for them and still am willing to give support for my creation, I will not be able to make them for the old versions and support them too. So, I will much appreciate it if you guys upgrade your software to avoid further issues with my modules. Thanks
  16. Aviation Weather V1.0 ---------------------------------------- A module to retrieve weather information for a specific station using airfield ICAO ---------------------------------------- Source: https://www.aviationweather.gov API Install: 1. Download the repository from Git-hub 2. Unzip and upload in folders order 3. Access it by <?php echo url('/wthr') ;?> 4. Enjoy!!!! ----------------------------------------- Demo & Support: Visit www.parkho.ir and use contact me form for support and pilots-modules for demo. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Screen shots:
  17. Not sure what you're trying to achieve here but kACARS only sends one report at a time. When you say both airlines, each airline you create has a unique code that is later used in creating schedules. kACARS can only load one schedule with the airline code and then sends the report to your site for further processing which is the way it's supposed to be. I If you mean saving multiple reports for later to send them all at once for different airlines, yes that's possible but you'll have to pay kACARS developer to add the saving feature to your client.
  18. Yes it's doable but you're gonna have to either create an admin module or change some major core files to achieve that.
  19. Inside your module function create a variable to get the number from url passed through submission of the form. public function whatever() { $var = $_GET['name of the form']; } Then use your variable to pass it to ACARS DATA matching the flight number $sql="SELECT * FROM phpvms_acarsdata WHERE flightnumber = '$var'"; $flight = DB::get_row($sql); Then use $flight to show the columns <table> <tr> <td>Flight Number</td> <td><?php echo $flight->flightnumber ;?></td> </tr> </table>
  20. Have you checked the days of week in schedules? They have to be checked for all weekdays or they only show up on days that are checked.
  21. Here is the TopPilot module. Hope you enjoy it. Install: 1. Download the repository at Github and unzip it in a desired location. 2. Upload files into coresponding folders on your website in the oreder. 3. Access it using <?php echo url('/toppilot') ;?>. 4. Enjoy! --------------------- Demo: www.parkho.ir --------------------- Support: Visit www.parkho.ir and fill out "Contact Me" form. I will get back to you as soon as possible
  22. I have added functions to give the ADMIN some records in Dashboard area. Install: -Download and replace PManagerData.class.php from Github. -Add the following lines to admin/dashboard.php <?php $days = Config::Get('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME');?> <strong>Inavtive Pilots: </strong><?php echo count(PManagerData::InactivePilots());?> <strong>Pilots With No Pireps In <?php echo $days;?> Days: </strong><?php echo count(PManagerData::PastDuePireps());?> <strong>Pilots With No Pireps AT All: </strong><?php echo count(PManagerData::NoPireps());?> Screenshot: Cheers
  23. The reason is that I used a built-in function to format the currency and that function rounds up or down the results. If you don't want that do the following: Open airport_search.php and go to line 102 and change the following: <?php echo FinanceData::FormatMoney(Auth::$userinfo->totalpay) ;?> To the following: <?php echo Auth::$userinfo->totalpay ;?> There is an issue in phpvms_pilots table's structure. The "totalpay" field type is set to "FLOAT" changing the type to "VARCHAR" may resolve your issue.
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