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phpVMS Resources
Everything posted by ChrisHD
I'm using it with v5x5
Can anyone help me with the Crazy Creative Premium Miles Module. I would like to display each pilot total miles on another page. Can someone help me with the snippet to call that piece of data.
I am interested in this project.
Hi there, I am using Phpvms 5x5, I have several airlines in the VA, firstly how do i get the inair icon to rotate 360, and where do i put the diferent pieces of code. Can someone please assist me.
I need help setting up phpvms ver 7 the latest release can someone walk e through what I need to do , thanks. regards Chris
I would like to generate a count of all the pireps rejected overall and per user, does any one have a code that can do this. Regards Chris
Hey Guys: I am looking for someone who can do livery Repaints. Please contact me so we cant further discuss my project. Chris
Here is a complete Pirep with the criteria in brackets I need. smartCARS version, 2015/8/21 UTC [06:18:31] Preflight started, flying offline [06:18:32] Flying UNITED Airlines-POSKY Boeing 757-200WL (USING WRONG LIVERY or AIRCRAFT) [06:18:32] Engine 1 is on [06:18:32] Engine 2 is on [06:19:15] Flaps set to position 2 [06:19:27] Pushing back with 36063 lb of fuel [06:20:35] Taxiing to runway [06:24:01] Taking off [06:24:24] Climbing, pitch: 6, roll: level, 157 kts (REJECT IF CLIMB PITCH IS MORE THAT 12) [06:24:27] Gear lever raised at 41 ft at 167 kts [06:24:33] Flaps set to position 0 at 137 ft at 174 kts [06:48:56] Cruising at 34000ft, pitch: 2, 487 kts [11:59:51] Descending [12:12:10] Approaching [12:12:33] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL (EXCEED OVER 250 KNOTS BELOW 10,000 FT) [12:15:03] Speed corrected at 6968 ft after a max speed of 309 kts [12:29:09] Flaps set to position 1 at 3232 ft at 196 kts [12:29:24] Flaps set to position 2 at 3273 ft at 181 kts [12:30:43] Flaps set to position 3 at 3406 ft at 186 kts [12:31:21] Sim paused [03:41:14] Simulator connection reestablished [03:41:29] Sim unpaused [03:49:46] Flaps set to position 5 at 5220 ft at 172 kts [03:49:58] Gear lever lowered at 5291 ft at 169 kts [03:51:03] Final approach, 165 kts [03:52:31] Touched down at -237 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 5, roll: 1 degrees right, 110 kts (LANDING PITCH MORE THAN 10) [03:52:45] Flaps set to position 6 [03:53:19] Flaps set to position 0 [03:53:28] Landed in 5232 ft, fuel: 0 lb, weight: 206850 lb (LANDED WITH 0 LBS FUEL OR OVER 12000 LBS OF FUEL) [03:53:28] Taxiing to gate [03:53:51] The flight may now be ended [03:53:51] Arrived, flight duration: 06:18 [03:54:15] Engine 1 is off [03:54:15] Engine 2 is off
I will get that info to you ASAP..Thanks
Hey Folks: Does anyone have a set of criteria s for this module that work, I have only the default ones, those I've created don't seem to work.
I tried to apply this to my va and only the inair icons are being displayed. I created the separate folders in the inair folder and nothing happens.
Dear users I would have posted in the forums a few months ago about some guys out there who are just plain dishonest. For those who missed the first post I have copied it to the bottom of this post for your viewing pleasure. In the first incident I refused to name the parties involved because I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and a chance to redeem themselves. However, this seems to be a growing trend and I am forced to take drastic measures because the same thing occurs again. In the first incident I would have contracted the group STARTMYVA with Ryan Palmer being the head developer to redesign my website, he subsequently has disabled the client area of his website so I have no further access other that the homepage of his website. The situation with those guys is laid out in the content in the first post. Since then, I have contracted CLOUD CODERZ who also was paid to do a job and I was left hanging. Chase Morgan who is the lead developer for cloud coderz would have contacted me to do the job. Here is a copy of the correspondence unedited:- Conversation started June 29 Chase Morgan 6/29, 4:58pm Chase Morgan Hello Chris, My name is Chase Morgan, I am the Lead Project Designer at Cloud Coderz http://cloudcoderz.com. I saw your post on the phpVMS forums about your website being down. That is very unfortunate I understand how frustrating it is to work with a company that doesn't meet your needs or value your project. As you can see from the Cloud Coderz portfolio, we have designed some of the most advanced websites in the industry, including the new Redwood Virtual website (http://redwoodva.net). We offer services from basic skin design, to feature development and SEO Optimization. Being a CEO for a virtual airline as well, I realize that much of the time, money is tight when there are many other expenses. I would like to cater our services to you in the most economically sound way possible to you. If you would like to get a quote drop us an email at sales@cloudcoderz.com and launch your new virtual airline era today! After much delay, Mr. Morgan sub contracted Chris Gartrell who did little to nothing, so my site was yet again left hanging for a few weeks with failed communication. These guys just keep messing around with valuable time and money. Since then I offered Mr. Morgan the opportunity to redeem himself and he once again failed me. I was promised a 50 slot Teamspeak Channel,never got it, promised a cloud pilot center never got it. All this was in effort to make up for the tardiness on his part. I personally think these guys are scamming the public out of funds and then finding excuses when you try to get answers out of them. I have worked very hard and tirelessly on my virtual airlines, and it’s quite unfair and unreasonable not only to me but to my pilots who are so dedicated to flying this va. They have waited patiently for the past 3 months to have the va back up and running and now I may have to further delay my operations. In the event that I see any aspect of my design on any other va associated with these guys I will be forced to take further action. I am appalled that in a community where each and every one of us have a love for aviation, and dedicate so much time to be flight simmers and hobbyist, that people would be so dishonest and vindictive towards each other. THE PREVIOUS POST Dear Forum Members: This post is going to be one of a serious concern which I am having with some of the persons who "SUPPOSE" to be developing websites out there for their clients. Recenty I watched a video on youtube about this guy who was taking money from persons and were suppose to build these gaming computers and months after they never got the computers. My story is a few months ago my virtual website suffered terribly at the hands of a hacker so therefore we basically had to rebuild the virtual airline. I would have posted to that effect in these forums. A virtual airline developer approached me and told me they could have my va back up and running with in 4 -5 days all i needed to do was state what I needed done. So I did I provided the HTML skin i wanted to use and so on. I signed up with their company and they requested I pay in full before any work was carried out. That I did and a month later I was still in the dark ages with this provider. All I got was excuses and no work. All I am saying here is if you expect to be paid upfront you need to provide a high level of work for the client. I will not name the company here but just be aware of who you have working for you. Regards Chris Ashby CEO Caribbean Airlines Virtual
Im Interested.
Dear Forum Members: This post is going to be one of a serious concern which I am having with some of the persons who "SUPPOSE" to be developing websites out there for their clients. Recenty I watched a video on youtube about this guy who was taking money from persons and were suppose to build these gaming computers and months after they never got the computers. My story is a few months ago my virtual website suffered terribly at the hands of a hacker so therefore we basically had to rebuild the virtual airline. I would have posted to that effect in these forums. A virtual airline developer approached me and told me they could have my va back up and running with in 4 -5 days all i needed to do was state what I needed done. So I did I provided the HTML skin i wanted to use and so on. I signed up with their company and they requested I pay in full before any work was carried out. That I did and a month later I was still in the dark ages with this provider. All I got was excuses and no work. All I am saying here is if you expect to be paid upfront you need to provide a high level of work for the client. I will not name the company here but just be aware of who you have working for you. Regards Chris Ashby CEO Caribbean Airlines Virtual
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Hi Guys: I am looking for a teamspeak3 Hosting provider for my virtual airline, Interested parties can send me a reply and I will get back to you. Best Regards Chris Ashby CEO CAV
Dear Team; I'm Looking for a web developer to complete my virtual airline ASAP. I am currently having problem with my current developers and I need my website back up as soon as possible. Contact me at ceo@caribbeanairlinesvirtual.com Regards Chris Ashby CEO Caribbean Airlines Virtual.
Hi Guys: I need some assistance setting up my own Teamspeak Server 3. Please contact me via my email at ceo@caribbeanairlinesvirtual.com asap. Thanks in advance. Regards Chris
Thank guys, you were a great help.
It there anyway you can manually log off pilots when doing maintenance on the website.
Welcoming you to do some Island hopping in the Caribbean. Come join Liat Virtual http://liatvirtual.com/en/index.php/. See you there.