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Everything posted by YusufBudi

  1. Yay....dapet PK-GFM...

  2. Menghadap Lord of the Earth

  3. Where i should put that code? Regards
  4. Kelaparan di Jogja....

  5. Bapak sekarang udah gak sendiri...sekarang udah ada dua cucu yang nemenin disana......Noordiati Tjondronegoro Elok Noorahmia Indah Hafidias Renny A. Sugesti Fahrisa Irdianto

  6. Alhamdulillah...Inna lillahi wa inna lillahi rojiun...

  7. where i have to put that code? i am new to phpvms...
  8. hello i am totally new to phpvms and its script....learning by doing now.. i had the same problem on the first quote, the answer obviously pretty clear on the second quote..but, where i can get the popupnews_list.tpl file? do i have to create it myself? if so, can anybody show me how?
  9. ternyata hotlinking protection yg bikin ngaco....

  10. ini aslinya mas Danny..no edit persion

  11. something is coming right at you..

  12. Nice skin..use it already with some color customized. i already used it...but i can't get the new showed up. i already installed the from simpilot PopUpNews module. can you show me how to configure it? thanks
  13. sudah 2 kali teamspeak ngacoin flight saya.......f***!!!!

  14. hi...my VA already use this facilities...and it works well but i'm curious whether i can see the pilot answer during exam? not just his score... i saw view/edit records at the pilot, but i can not clicked it.. so...anyway i can see the pilot exam question after he finished the exam? i need to see on which part he fail.... thanks
  15. "Kereta Api Tabrak Rombongan Pengantar Haji"......with respect ke korban ...gimana cara kereta api nabrak? jalan2 dia...jalur2 dia....rel2 dia...semua yg masuk ke jalur kereta itu ngelanggar hukum, kecuali di tempat yg diperbolehkan, dan di waktu yg diperbolehkan....Kereta Api sesuai hukum adalah raja jalanan, Presiden aja harus brenti kok.....cuman di Indonesia aja Kereta Api dizalimi pemerintah, pengguna, dan rakyat.

  16. YusufBudi

    Fatal Error

    i had the same problem how did you solved this? what did you do tou your host setting?
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