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Everything posted by wrenchca

  1. Well, I ran the 702 update, checked the local.config and app.config to ensure the transfer hours were set to true, regenerated the signatures and even flew another flight. The transfer hours are still not showing. :- I am going to do another test flight. I am not sure, but I don't think it added the flight hours automatically after the pirep was accepted either. Will let you know. Chuck CYXU
  2. What if you leave the times and day of the week there and just comment out the bits that display it? That way the program will still be happy and your pilots will only see the data you wish them to see? Chuck CYXU
  3. Hi Nabeel, I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to consider a change to the downloads section. As it stands, all download categories are on the same page. What I think would be cool is if when you went to view the downloads, it would take you to a page where the categories are listed. You could then, click the category you wanted to view just those files. When you consider that a lot of VAs will have ten to twenty aircraft and may have those files for both FS2004 and FSX, the page may get a little long. As well, you could also make a utilities category for panel files, pdf manuals, etc. Just my two cents! Chuck CYXU
  4. Excellent! I was sure it was something I had fudged up!!
  5. Ok, wanted to run a quick test before saying anymore. Just had a flight, accepted the pirep and there was no change to the stats on the badge. As well, it doesn't seem to be showing the transferred hours either. I am testing and setting this up for an existing VA with members that have well over 1,000hrs. As far as changes, I have changed the png image and changed the code to true in both the local.config.php and the app.config.php...(Transfer_Hours_in_Ranks). I am at a loss to explain why it does not seem to work for me. I did an update to 701 when it became available hoping that would help but no success yet. I can get their signatures to update via the admin panel, but it still will only show hours that are recorded as pireps in phpVMS. I have not been able to get the transfer hours to show on the badge. Chuck CYXU
  6. Any idea which template it is that does this? It is still not working here. Also, the transfer hours are not being added to the total hours. There might be something wrong with the template and I would like to overwrite it to see. Thanks, Chuck CYXU
  7. Hi Nabeel, If I read things correctly, the stats listed on the badge are supposed to be regenerated upon the filing of a pirep. It doesn't seem to be updating. Is there something that I may have missed in the configuration? Thanks, Chuck CYXU
  8. Yup, there you go...me and my fat fingers must have touched them somehow. I re-uploaded the schedule templates and everything is right as rain. Still do not recall looking at them, but it is working now. Chuck CYXU
  9. Hi Folks, I may have missed this somewhere, but I am getting some strange images in the flight listings after doing a search. I have attached an image of it from a Firefox page. In IE, it shows as small boxes. Any ideas? Thanks, Chuck CYXU
  10. Bingo! In the Style1 css sheet, the right margin was set to 5 pixels. Set it to zero and all happy now. Thanks! Chuck CYXU
  11. Hello All, Some have reported that FSAcars is giving a message that FS has crashed. To avoid this, there two main requirements. First, make sure that FS is running and you are sitting at the gate ready to start your flight prior to starting FSAcars. Secondly, the thing that catches quite a few new users, you must have the FSUIPC module installed in your FS modules folder. It can be installed as a free module that will do everything that FSAcars requires or you can elect to purchase a key to unlock it if you require the more advanced programming functions that it has. It is available here... http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html Make sure you select the correct module for your version of flight sim. I hope this helps, Chuck CYXU
  12. This is what my config has.... Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', true); I believe this is the setting that you are referring to. As I said, it shows the correct rank as far as symbol and the text in the pilot center but the text below the pilot stats does not reflect the change and the total hours shown on the badge are not reflecting the change. Chuck CYXU
  13. Hey Nabeel, I went through your tutorial on skinning and it worked quite well. I did a bit of a mashup of the one you used but was getting kinda frustrated at one point. I went back through the tutorial and found that the same problem I have exists on your tutorial and with the example that I downloaded. How the heck do I get rid of that little white vertical bar in the top right corner of my header? It is there plain as day in the tutorial. The only way I could get rid of it was by deleting the text for my VA name. Not much of a coder here so be gentle!! Chuck CYXU
  14. Hi Nabeel, I have an idea that I wanted to float by you. Would it be possible to extrapolate a rough heading of the flight by taking the present position and comparing it to the intended destination? If so, adding some extra icons to the image folder, say an icon oriented for every five degree increment and then calling up the appropriate icon to display on the map. It would not be perfect since it would always want to point to the lat and long of the destination while you are sitting at the gate. There is just something that doesn't seem right flying from Vancouver to Miami in reverse. At one time, I was with a VA that had FSAcars and Google maps using this technique and it worked quite well. I believe though that they had the icons at one degree increments. Just thinking out loud! ;D Chuck CYXU P.S. If you want, I can see if I can get some of the code for you to examine.
  15. Hi Nabeel, I have installed phpVMS on my server and I am running it through some tests prior to going live with the pilots. When I entered in my previous hours and did an Update of the ranks, it worked great...except for a few things. On the pilot profile, it shows the text of my Rank correctly and displays the proper badge. But the text just below the pilot stats telling me how many hours left till my next promotion does not reflect the change. It still sees me as a zero time pilot. As well, if I click on view my badge, it shows me at the lowest rank with zero hours. I have not logged a flight on this install yet. Other than that, it is working mint!! Chuck CYXU
  16. For those members with FSAcars crash, make sure that they have the FSUIPC module installed in flight sim. FSUIPC is needed for FSAcars to see FS and log the flight. Without it, it thinks that FS has crashed. Chuck CYXU
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