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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. I just removed the option choice from the registration form and set a hidden field with the airline I want them to be assigned to -> remove <dt>Select Airline: *</dt> <dd> <select name="code" id="code"> <?php foreach($allairlines as $airline) { echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'">'.$airline->code.' - '.$airline->name.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </dd> and replace with <input type="hidden" name="code" value="UAL" />
  2. How about something like this in your mail data class public static function get_unopen_count($pid) { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM airmail WHERE who_to='$pid' AND deleted_state='0' AND read_state='0'"; $count = DB::get_row($query); return $count->total; } and then in your template <?php echo MailData::get_unopen_count($Auth::$userdata->pilotid); ?>
  3. You can just remove the display of the time slot in the public pages and set the open slots to 1 in the admin panel. That way it will just show a list of pilots and always show a signup button for anyone that has not signed up.
  4. It is an issue for anyone running the latest beta. The variable in the template has changed to $schedule_list from $allroutes 2 options for now: 1 - Change the variable name supplied to the template in FrontSchedules.php OR 2 - Create a dupllicate of the schedule_results.tpl file, name it something else, change the reference from $schedule_list to $allroutes in the template, and change the template being called in FrontSchedules.php.
  5. @chris2 - Your answer is in the error. That template (events_index.tpl) is not in the folder where it is supposed to be "admin/templates/events/". Check the folder and see if it is there or if it is corrupted.
  6. Are you the pilot with database id # 1?
  7. Did you put in a link for the page as it is described in the first post?
  8. @fsx, does the db table have anything in the landing rate column?
  9. And the bickering by both of you isn't a turn off for developers? I think this is done. Locked.
  10. @fsx I do not think xacars reports any landing rates. Look in your pireps database table and see if there is any data in the landing rate field. By your error it looks to me like there is no data in that column.
  11. <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/lib/signatures/status/<?php echo $pilotcode; ?>status.png" alt="Status" />
  12. @vader21 Where are you placing this? Are you loading the $res variable prior to this code?
  13. Is the touchdownstatsdata.class.php file in the correct place and not blank?
  14. In the release thread for RSL is the information for setting the per mile price for jumpseat tickets. # Jumpseat Ticket Cost Per NM Config::Set('JUMPSEAT_COST', '.25'); You can just remove the link to the native schedules function from your menu's if you do not want pilots to access that section.
  15. Nice site, but why isn't it compatable across all the major browsers?
  16. The answer to this error is at the beginning of the thread, the file is not where it is supposed to be. Copy the files into the same folders on your website as they are in within the download.
  17. Have you added any code to your files for the event addon? Try uploading the admin files again and see if that solves it.
  18. If you do not have root access to the server you are probably going to have to conatct your host as most shared environments do not allow some configuration items in local php.ini files.
  19. Nice site, I hope you purchased the no attribution license from Nabeel.
  20. You need this changed in php.ini -> open_basedir restriction in effect
  21. ugh! Unfortunatly there are a few in every crowd. The last time this happened to me I went right to the host with the evidence and they took the site down within 12 hours and it has never returned. A simple C&D letter to them in the form of an email will get their attention in a hurry and host's are protected from any lawsuit brought for taking down content they deem copyrighted. I also sent a copy of the letter to the domain name registrar, and the ISP for good measure. I notice the name on the whois is a Carl DuFault, not Jeff Stanhope.... and dang, the host is fivedev... Maybe he will use some good sense and take the material down and move on with his own.... one can only hope.
  22. It will work in the tpl file, controller, or model, but the design preference of MVC is to have all database interaction within the model.
  23. The sql syntax is the same as it would be in open php, then you can use the simple "DB::query(query)" to run the query within phpVMS without having to connect to the db and such. $query = 'INSERT INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.'thetable (column) VALUES (data)'; DB::query($sql);
  24. simpilot

    Airport Tables

    @FlyAlaska You can build a little data class to count the pireps to that airport. Maybe this -> file AirportData.class.php in core/common <?php class AirportData extends CodonData { function get_number_flights($icao) { $sql = 'SELECT pirepid FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps WHERE arricao="'.$icao.'"'; $result = DB::get_results($sql); return count($result); } } Then in your template call it out like this -> <?php echo 'Total Arrivals To KJFK: '.AirportData::get_number_flights('KJFK'); ?>
  25. Update to the new version here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1062-popupnewsmodule/page__view__findpost__p__17155
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