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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. You can adjust how the username is registered in the SMFRegisterData.class.php file on line 18
  2. Is any of the information showing in the database itself? When you are connected with acars does your flight show on the live map?
  3. Pay is negotiable and will be a fixed rate per aircraft. Please email me with some samples of your work and requirements for payment. Thanks
  4. Whichever one you are using for your display, if it is the pilot main profile page for the pilot themselves you should be using the profile module index function.
  5. You will need to fill a variable in your module with the extra fields first; $this->set('allfields', PilotData::getFieldData($pilotid); Then in your template something like this from the public profile should work; <?php // Show the public fields if($allfields) { foreach($allfields as $field) { echo '<strong>'.$field->title.': </strong>'.$field->value.'<br />'; } } ?>
  6. Looks like they have disabled cURL on the server. Free host's do things like this to push you to their paid hosting. Good Luck.
  7. Can you attach your schedule file so I can try it on my local server? You can email it to me if you prefer.
  8. You can use phpmyadmin to export it in csv format.
  9. I have made some changes to the way the data is called out of the database and attached the new version (3.1.1) of the module to the first post. Let me know if that changes things for you.
  10. You can not add another admin group permission as the system stands now. What you can do and most do is use one of the other permission sets and apply it to the addon. ie - EDIT_NEWS OR MODERATE_PIREPS
  11. Can you take a scrren shot or send me a copy of the db table? I do not seem to get this on my test install. If you had an older version of airmail installed did you drop the old tables prior to updating to the new ones?
  12. I am in search of an individual that has a talent to paint all types of FSim Aircraft for continuing work. Requirements: Complete knowledge of the repainting process. Ability to meet deadlines. (usually 10-14 day turnaround) Strong communication skills using English as a primary language. Ability to return email within a reasonable amount of time. Willingness to white label and/or re-brand the paints. What I can offer: An agreed upon contract price per aircraft. Logo design and color schemes would be supplied to you at the start of each project. Prompt payments via PayPal (I pay you directly when you are done, no waiting for a customer) If you are interested please forward some samples of, or links to, previous work and your required range for a contracted price per aircraft to me at - admin(at)simpilotgroup.com
  13. I think what you are looking for is here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3503-vacentral-rank-on-site/page__view__findpost__p__23937 That will give you the ranking and you can put a logo or design around it as you wish.
  14. I think you have a good start here but you really need to look at moving this addon outside of the native core application files and create it in a module form, if not you are going to have to manually update the files on every update of phpVMS as the native files all get overwritten everytime.
  15. Did you drop the old tables first? A new sql file will not overwrite an existing table of the same name generally.
  16. simpilot

    Adding Pages

    It starts in the core of the application and is added to the template object in the index file on line 61 Template::Set('MODULE_NAV_INC', $NAVBAR); then in the nav file it is displayed using the command; <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?> The links are created within the pages module.
  17. You can include the codon.config.php file in your script and have access to all the functions within phpvms. Here are a couple of threads on this; http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3394-external-pilot-centre http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3686-implenting-codonconfigphp-in-a-standalone-php-page
  18. If you want to pm me your login's I will switch it for you, and I would suggest doing it through Team-Viewer so you can see how it is done.
  19. Did you install the new sql tables?
  20. Using phpMyAdmin export the smf database to a file then import the file into the phpvms database. Then edit the settings.php file in your smf install to refelect the change of database.
  21. It seems to work on my test install. Do you have any records for the pilot with a landing rate?
  22. You can move your smf tables into the same database with your phpvms tables then change the config in your smf install to point at the right database. You should not lose anyone.
  23. It could be a couple of things. - Did you rn the function to populate the table with data initially? - Are any of your pireps recorded using an ACARS client? It will not calculate manual PIREPs.
  24. The database tables for phpvms and smf both need to be in the same database.
  25. AirMail 3.1 phpVMS module to create a messaging system your phpVMS based virtual airline. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Developed by: simpilot www.simpilotgroup.com Developed on: phpVMS v2.1.934-158 php 5.3.4 mysql 5.0.7 apache 2.2.17 This system is not compatible with any earlier versions of AirMail New Features: -Delete All function in inbox and all message folders -Individual pilot setting to have email sent to pilot when new message is received -Threaded messages -Cleaner templates to help with site integration Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -use the airmail.sql file to create the tables needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. To Use the "You Have Mail" function place the following code where you would like the notice to appear, it will only appear if the pilot is logged in. <?php MainController::Run('Mail', 'checkmail'); ?> -Create a link on your site for your pilots to access their AIRMail <a href="<?php echo url('/Mail'); ?>">AIRMail</a> File Updated 9/2/2011 files changed: core/templates/sentitems.tpl core/common/MailDataClass.php File Updates 9/26/11 core/common/MailDataClass.php - NOTAM bug fix Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.
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