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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. simpilot

    Alternate way

    Not quite sure which direction you are going but, I use html templates often and just cut them up and work them into a phpVMS skin, which I think you do as well. You could build a normal html page (php) and call the module you want in the center using the action.php method (which is skinless). You would have to include the codon.config.php file right at the start in order to gain access to the functions of phpvms.
  2. White space in a php file you have edited, probably right before the opening php tag.
  3. Are you loading the data in the controller for that page? Looks like the variable is empty to me.
  4. Are you wrapping it in an image tag? <img src="<?php echo $event->image; ?>" alt="" />
  5. Did you add the "body" field to the call within the module? I think that you are probably not getting the data to the template.
  6. Answered in Realschedule Lite thread.
  7. @Big Red - You can send me your data at admin<at>simpilotgroup.com Does the aircraft ever end up back at the starting point? When/If it does does the schedule just repeat? Do you want the aircraft moving even if there is not a member to fly it on the route, adhereing to the time schedule?
  8. The old LandingStats module is no longer needed, it had the code to catch pireps and extract the landing rate which has been rolled into the main application. The landing stats module is just a way to extract the data from the table and have a few displays.
  9. You could create a function in your data class to pull the latest posts pretty easy I think. As Ray said too, check on Tom's thread with his extended VA Forum, he has done a lot more with the code than this version has.
  10. A header error is coming from something you have edited and you have white space right before a php tag in one of your class files.
  11. Wrap the code for your sidebar inside of the if statement and it will not show when the timetable comes up.
  12. The module is not a bridge, it is only a system to auto register the pilot in the forum when they signup with the VA. I would love to see how you built the bridge for the phpVMS to Joomla link though, if you were willing to share I will see if I can adapt it to the smf forum. That has been the biggest hang I had was getting the two login systems to mesh together as they use different password hashes and session data. If I could see how you intergrated Joomla I am be able to adapt the concept to smf.
  13. I think your thread got hijacked here, if you are still trying to NOT show the sidebar in the timetable module, you can do; <?php if(MainController::$activeModule != 'TIMETABLE') { //show the sidebar } ?>
  14. YouTube/Google has a very strong API for developers here -> http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/overview.html There are a number of ways to link your page to youtube accounts for both viewing and uploading.
  15. Good Luck, I hope you have a pile of money and even more time. I have gone through this with WestJet LTD in the summer of 2010. After a few letters between their council and myself containing numerous demands, and consults with my own attorney, I took the site down. The only thing I have not done is relinquish the domain name to them as their claims of infringement are also based on the fact that their trade name is in the domain name (www.westjetvirtual.net) and I continue to host a blog on the site about the situation, which reminds me that I need to update it. This all transpired after numerous formal requests for the use of the likeness of their logo in January of 2010, and also other sites operating in a similar fashion, all of which except one have since been closed down and have disappeared completely. I have since moved all the pilots and operations to a new domain that mimics another large Canadian carrier but have wisely not used their logos or full trade name in the domain name, signatures, emails, or the frontpage of the site. even so, If the carrier got upset about something they could probably still push to have the site shut down. The claim, as stupid as it is, by the airlines is that your site becomes ranked in the search engines and their real world customers start landing on your site looking to purchase air travel, get frustrated, and go to their competition. Although I personally never had anyone signup for the WJA VA and think they were buying a ticket for air travel, as far as how many landed their thinking they were at the real world westjet, who knows. I know when the site was up it was never any closer than about 8 pages deep on Google. Being a businessman myself I understand the concerns but I believe that I would rather work towards a understanding with the virtual airline and help promote my real world business, it could even be promoted as supporting a community project, some of the best publicity available to any business. It may be an interesting read for you to look over the blog at http://www.westjetvirtual.net - home of the NOcarentee -
  16. The module does not affect the native schedule system at all. The only thing that may affect it is if you have changed some of the settings in your local.config.php file in regards to bidding on flights.
  17. The module really isnt capable of sorting the schedules that way. It can be done but it would have to be approached from a different direction than getting all the airfields forst then the flights as it si structured now. You could write it to collect all the enabled routes and group them by airfield then create a display from that.
  18. simpilot

    Need Help!

    Pilot id's are assigned by the database and are in numerical order. You can create a profile field in the admin section and place a pilot id number that is more desireable in it and only display that in the pilot's profile. The main id of the pilot needs to remain as it is since it is tied to nearly every function in the system.
  19. I think someone had it working, you will have to look around, I have pretty much abandoned the module due to nearly everyone complaining about it not fitting their va exactly.
  20. You should be able to add if($schedule->enabled <> '1'){continue;} on line 45 of the original timetable_index.tpl file and it should skip any schedule that is not enabled.
  21. simpilot

    Need Help!

    Set it in your local.config.php file along with other specific settings you want. Config::Set('PILOTID_LENGTH', 4); # Length of the Pilot ID
  22. The solution is back a few pages in this thread, there was a change when phpVMS went to version 2
  23. What was the difference between the two tables? Is it something we can change in the install sql?
  24. Are both sites on the same server, or is one on your local machine?
  25. put this in the start of your script set_time_limit(240) The "240" is seconds that you want to extend the timeout by
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