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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. I will be releasing a lite version of the New England Virtual Dispatch Center also known as REALSchedule in coming weeks. I am looking for any input on features VA's would like to see. You can see an example in operation here - http://www.newenglandvirtual.com/index.php/RealSchedule - There are some features shown in the NEvA site that will not be included, mostly the maps and coding to go with them, and the route builder function. The system places aircraft at their last arrival point and lists their next scheduled destination and makes that flight available for reservation by a pilot. This can be tied to the pilot's last location if you would like in order to limit the pilot to flying only flights that are available from the airport he is "virtually" located at. It will also include a function for pilots to "jumpseat" to another airport by buying a ticket. Some caveats - each aicraft must have a looping set of schedules with the last schedule returning it to the original departure point. For those that already have a system setup it may be a big undertaking to change what is there. Each set of looped schedules must have its own aircraft as well, so if you have a lot of loops, you will have a lot of aircraft.
  2. Good - who knows, gremlins I guess....
  3. Seemed to fix itself on my site Has your listings corrected themselves as well?
  4. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2081-total-hours/page__p__13834__hl__TOTAL_HOURS__fromsearch__1entry13834
  5. Not directly. What I do not want to see is someone selling a service to install phpvms for $1.00 but the cost being $2.00 if you install one of the modules I have written (some with help of others). There is to be no profit made from the use of the modules in any way. My intentions were to share with the community that has shared with me when I wrote these. If your cost to do an install is $xx.xx then it needs to be $xx.xx if you are including modules written by me. end soapbox speech
  6. Nabeel, Thank You for the great app you have dedicated so much time to here, not to mention the great support, 5000 posts, I think it's time for a cold one!
  7. Hi, I have removed all the simpilot modules for the moment. I will be reposting them with an included license to protect them from being sold by other individuals. Hopefully they should be back up over the weekend.
  8. If you can wait I will be releasing a lite version of my dispatch center in coming weeks. You can see the frontend of it on my site at www.newenglandvirtual.com
  9. simpilot

    phpVMS Logo

    I think I just soiled myself.... some points for you my friend
  10. Is it in IE only? There seems to be quite a few threads about this on both the cake and codeignitor forums. If the error is only in some browsers most seem to point to an issue with trailing commas. http://forums.pentaho.org/showthread.php?t=70036&page=2 - Post #14 starts the solution here
  11. simpilot

    phpVMS Logo

    sry - thought you would waant to keep with the basic colors and design....
  12. simpilot

    phpVMS Logo

    Just messing around...
  13. I noticed it on my site last evening as well. I will look at it this evening when I get in. Odd it displays the same month but links to the correct month....
  14. ? - statsdata.class.php should have been overwritten when you updated.... Not sure what is going on. A new class would be best anyway, that way it will not get overwritten in future updates.
  15. Joeri, the new piece of code was overwritten when you updated.
  16. You probably need to move the code up inside the last } for the file. It just looks like it is ending the class right before the new section of code. If that doesnt work, what is line 831?
  17. You can put the admin link in the core_navigation.tpl as well. Maybe make a new line right after the acars link "live map" for the EXAM Center admin link.
  18. Do you mean that when a PIREP is filed throught ACARS or another automated submission system that the PIREP is automatically approved, it will not be put in a "pending" or "awaiting approval" state?
  19. Somewhere around line 98 of schedue_results.tpl you should have the line -> <a href="<?php echo url('/schedules/brief/'.$route->id);?>">Pilot Brief</a><br /> This is the link to the pilot brief for each flight in the schedule list. You should also have the file schedule_briefing.tpl in your templates directory, that is the template that is used when viewing the pilot brief. Hope this helps
  20. I dont see anything that would be easily configured, but you could.... add to StatsData.class.php -> public static function ActivePilots() { $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots WHERE retired=0'; $result=DB::get_row($query); if (!$result){ return '0'; } else { return $result->total; } } Then where you want your active pilot count to appear -> <?php echo StatsData::ActivePilots(); ?>
  21. You have the Examcenter link inside of the if command so it will only show if you are not logged in. You need to put it in the other section so it will show when you are logged in to the site.
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