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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Can you pastebin the code?
  2. Put a print_r($route); inside of the foreach loop for the routes and see what it spits out. Look for a variable in the array that has the acircraft icao code. It is under name in the db but may be getting renamed in the new array.
  3. Try -> <?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($userinfo->joindate)); ?> That should output it in the format that is defined in you admin settings.
  4. You would have to make some changes to this version at the core level of the module. I have changed the database tables some in the newest version I am working on to keep all the replys as seperate items instead of all as one. Bringing the data back that way will make it easy to style the old reply text however you wish.
  5. Did you try a print_r to see what is in the array and make sure the itme we are looking for is there?
  6. I like the second one better as well, but my concern would be in trying to build a brand for your VA. Changing logos and such in the early going sometimes does not help. Just my 2 cents.
  7. Did you change the php.ini file both in the apache config and the php config. Depending on the setup of your server it may be relying on one or the other.
  8. What do you mean by "the airport our community designed"? Is all the flights with odd flight distances to ro from that field?
  9. Just a hobby, but i always am taking requests for new modules. No gaurentees, but the ones that make sense to me usually get done.
  10. in your php.ini find error_reporting = and change it to error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE reboot the server I think there may be a command in the phpvms local config as well..... not sure right off hand....
  11. Could be a lot of things.... Have you deleted airports from the database that are used in previously filed pireps and current schedules? Are the cities you are having trouble with have the correct Latitude and Longitude in the database?
  12. <?php MainController::Run('FrontSchedules', 'index'); ?>
  13. Looks like you must be running php 5.3.x on your server, the split command was deprecated in the new version. You can turn off error reporting so it doesnt show up, I am pretty sure it will not hurt the app any. I run php5.3 on my local development box and had to turn off php error reporting, i was too lazy to rewrite it.
  14. Are you logged in when you are trying it? If not the Auth class will be empty. Pastebin your page and post the link and I will take a look at it. Also try a print_r($route) inside the foreach and see if [name] => blah is in the array. I have not tested this so the variable we are looking for may not be there or may be getting written into another variable name.
  15. How are you calling it? $this->show('template'); or MainController::Run('FrontSchedules'); I think it sounds like you are calling it through the template function which would miss all the data coming out of the module call.
  16. Is this what you mean - Real World style dispatching and aircraft locations? Dispatch Center
  17. In local.config change -> Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', false); to Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', true);
  18. Nabeel is actually up to rev 902. I think this was still an issue in 845, although unknown at the time... If you do not want to update to the latest beta you will need to fix the code in your existing install.
  19. Something like <?php $pireps = PIREPData::getIntervalDataByMonth('', '1'); print_r($pireps); ?> Will return the data for the last month. The first variable you can add some WHERE functions to if you want and the '1' is the number of months.
  20. There is a good reason you can not delete an airport -> when the system recalculates PIREPS it uses the data out of the airports table to figure distances among other things. So, if you manually delete an airfield that has been previously used in a PIREP when the system recalculates it will come up with some poor calculations, which in turn will affect finances, and other stats in the VA. Hope this explains the why a little better.
  21. This was a bug in a couple of versions. It has been fixed and if you are keeping up with the updates should be repaired in your install. I did have to manually go in the database in my install and change all the 2010's to 0 once the code was fixed to clean it up though. Since then it has not been an issue.
  22. Are you just overwriting the old files? If so, the local.config file from the old install will still be there and connect the app to your old db. If you are trying to start new, delete everything in the install on your server then upload a new package and create a new db to connect to. You should then be able to go through a new install and the app will create a new local.config file. Hope this helps.
  23. Nice work Stuart! Gonna have to look at the youtube apps myself. That makes a nice feature.
  24. It should be in your local.config file in /core.
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