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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. It might be related to http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1501.30 I'm checking it out
  2. FSPax doesn't show online pilots, it only does PIREPs Then since xacars works, there's a problem with FSACARS and FSPax, and not the core. I'm looking into it
  3. There's nothing in the core which handles that. That's all javascript on the client side. Reupload the lib/js folder, that does the entire map and table placement
  4. Revision 798: refs #27, FSFK ACARS and PIREP file (ready for testing)21 November 2009, 5:16 pmrefs #27, FSFK ACARS and PIREP file (ready for testing)Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  5. Have you uploaded the lib/images/inair folder?
  6. Somethings not right somewhere. Can you download and try xacars real quick as a test? You mean localhost for the database? It doesn't matter. It wouldn't make a difference security-wise, maybe, since if an attacker can get to localhost, they can get to the 10. address as well. They probably just have dedicated database servers. That won't make a difference though
  7. That's supposed to be there, I thought that not being there was the source of the problem, but since it's there, that's fine. Don't use localhost for what? Empty the modules log.txt as well, and then try filling. This is a weird error. Does xacars work, ACARS wise and PIREP wise?
  8. In the SQL DB, in the PIREPs table, is there a "landingrate" column? Let me see what changed in 795
  9. Commit is up right now, give it a shot. Also, there's nothing in the acars.txt? What about in the modules/acars/log.txt (in case it wrote in there, it shouldn't have, but maybe it did?)
  10. Nothing in ACARS? I fixed that error. Let me trying doing a commit which fixed that, let's see if it helped. Which update did it start with? Do you remember? Did you run the update.php, I added a column to the PIREP table, do you have a landingstats column there?
  11. Also, make sure the acars.txt is also writeable. Any errors which come up will screw up acars
  12. Yeah, add it after line 171, so then it will look like that 2nd bit I posted. On all ACARS? What version are you using? I'm flying on FSFK right now, and it seems to be working (they all use one interface)
  13. Can you guys try this: Open /core/modules/acars/fspax.php After line 171, add: 'landingrate'=>$_POST['TouchDownVertSpeedFt'], So it's: 'flighttime'=>$flighttime, 'landingrate'=>$_POST['TouchDownVertSpeedFt'], 'submitdate'=>'NOW()',
  14. To my own. I'm wondering what might have changed. Let me try something. I'll have an update tonight. There are no errors in the logs though? Weird
  15. I was able to export a PIREP using FSPAX, hmm. Try reinstalling it maybe?
  16. Make this writable: /home3/pulseair/public_html/members//core/logs/log.txt
  17. That's a separate error. I'm installing FSPAX to test. Can you post your config file for fspax?
  18. The refresh time is set in the local.config.php file
  19. Database error means FSACARS is backed up, so there's a PIREP there waiting for export. The permissions, you can fix, just set those to 777
  20. Those permission errors you can fix by making those files 777. Exactly what's not working?
  21. That was fixed in a build I did last night, 797 I think
  22. Thanks, if you can add a bug for it. It's one of the tutorial modules, so when I remake the module I'll check it out. I'm hoping to re-do the tutorial videos this weekend
  23. It seems like it's working now: http://www.flymapleair.com/index.php/acars I see a flight
  24. Yup, they should be using the same data class, that's really the main point of having that, to share the data. I'll get the nav code to you hopefully tomorrow...
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