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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I don't use the password portion since it's transferred over plain-text. I'm not sure why someone would change their pilot ID to someone elses, it's just for flight tracking and PIREP filling, so the risks (IMO) outweigh the benefits
  2. Did you upload everything? reupload the admin panel and /core/common and /core/classes
  3. Yeah, run the install/update.php it will take care of db updates from 700
  4. Nabeel


    So that means the path you entered in your FTP is incorrect (the /lib/fsfk) part
  5. It's just a notification by email that there was a PIREP submitted. I guess you're on beta now, can you enable DEBUG_MODE (set to true), and check the core/logs/log.txt for any db errors.
  6. add it in addition to the old style for now, sry, I'll fix that
  7. Nabeel


    And for the ftp server add ftp:// in front
  8. Nabeel


    can you try pointing your api server to apidev.phpvms.net?
  9. It should be in /core/local.config.php. Maybe you're checking in the wrong folder? That's odd
  10. If you have vaCentral, please goto your vacentral profile, and re-enter your API key information (delete the old one). Format has changed
  11. Revision 810: vaCentral debugging/logging/fixes.1 December 2009, 12:59 pmvaCentral debugging/logging/fixes.Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  12. Yes the links format changed (well, the format didn't but it's easier now to just call url('/path'); instead of the entire SITE_ROOT etc
  13. Yeah for everything is fine.
  14. Nabeel


    Yeah, for FSFK, enter your FTP information (copy the lines from app.config into local.config). Just see if FSFK uploads images into that folder which you set up. There's a commit going up, you can add these two lines in local.config Config::Set('VACENTRAL_DEBUG_MODE', true); Config::Set('VACENTRAL_DEBUG_DETAIL', 2); And send me the core/logs/vacentral.txt file I'll see if I can debug from using that. Also, get your vacentral parameters again from vacentral, they changed (though it will accept old format)
  15. Yeah, that's by design. It kinda sounds to me the full flight wasn't logged from the beginning, xacars doesn't report the complete information every time, so if it's from mid flight or a message gets missed, there's missing data
  16. Also, seems like you're upgrading your customizations. Can you let me know what you had difficulty with, so I can just make a note of it for release notes, etc? Thanks buddy
  17. Mitchell, can you make your sig a bit smaller? You probably are looking for base conversion (octal to hex) or something
  18. Depends how your server is setup. If they're owned by you, and the group is the web user, you can do 775 (that's what I do). If they're owned by the webuser and also in the web user group, and you're in the web user group, you can also do 775.
  19. Check the changelog, the changed templates are listed in there
  20. This file: http://bugs.phpvms.net/browser/trunk/core/modules/Schedules/Schedules.php#L200 Line 200, comment that out
  21. Nabeel


    Which API server are you pointing to in local.config? It's odd because that code doesn't exist on my API side. Sorry, I haven't had time to look at this. This week is really busy, we have 2 product deployments and meetings and code reviews which I have to prep for, I probably won't get to it until the weekend
  22. Probably a different client, xacars never did. It doesn't report a time or distance remaining either, I have to manually calculate those. I'll check out that other issue, seems like some data is missing somewhere. If you empty the acarsdata table, give a fresh flight a try
  23. Yes, it will be in core folder, core/local.config.php It's created on install.
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