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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hey everyone, This is probably a weekly to a few times a week writing gig, not paid. It'll be for the vaCentral blog - just basically handling VA, flight sim, and aviation related news. I really want this to be a central point for the community. This will look good on a resume - phpVMS is a high-traffic site, and with the introduction of vaCentral, your writing will be exposed to a-lot of viewers and traffic. It'll be pretty open-ended - reviews, VA news, publishing press-releases, analyzing some trends and stuff, and also being a liaison to the community. I can't handle this portion by myself. Let me know if you have some interest, prior experience will rock. I'm open to having several people, instead of just one, if a few people really are interested. And no fly-by-night thing, this has to be a serious commitment. If it's 2/3 people posting once a week, that's fine with me. I'm going all out with this, I'd like you to also be enthusiastic for it. I'm pretty flexible.. You can post here, or PM me with your ideas. Thanks all!
  2. Yep, this would work. In the next version, you can edit the PIREP so adjust the ticket costs, etc, so then this will be more flexible with the financials as well You could also create a topic in the FAQ about non-schedule'd flights. Thanks! Cheers!
  3. There are several sets of documentation available: http://docs.phpvms.net - Main documentation http://docs.phpvms.net/api - The general API documentation http://docs.phpvms.net/internals/ - The VERY details API documentation, includes callgraphs and extra details of the phpVMS and Codon internals
  4. Could be a float problem. Welcome to development with IE A good way is to Google search a specific problem you're having as well, you might find some CSS fixes
  5. Units end up cancelling in the end, as long as everything you enter is consistent. So if your fuel used is in gallons, and the cost per lbs, it won't work. But the live price, I think, is per gallon (I get the prices from airnav)
  6. Thanks, which version of phpVMS are you using? I'm hoping to get these squared away for the next release. Thanks!
  7. Modules have been overhauled, a-la CakePHP-esque style controllers. For instance, in the past there needed to be a router inside the "Controller" function: For instance, the URL index.php/mymodule/doaction Previously, the code for this would be: <?php class MyModule { public function Controller() { switch($this->get->page) { case 'doaction': .... break; } } } ?> Has now been simplified to: <?php class MyModule { public function index() { } public function doaction() { ... } } With the index() function replacing the Controller() function, and then the doaction() function acting as the action. From now on, the parameter after the module name, will be the function that's called inside the module. index.php/test/callingme <?php class test { public function callingme() { ... } } This simplifies debugging. In addition, parameters can more easily be passed: index.php/test/callingme/apples/oranges <?php class test { public function callingme($parameter1='', $parameter2='') { echo "{$parameter1} and {$parameter2}"; // Will echo "apples and oranges" } } These changes will be made available from the next version. The native modules have been updated to use this new code. Modules will have to be updated to use this code as well
  8. Rev 762 - PIREP edit fixed, DB throw_exceptions off14 October 2009, 6:19 pmRev 762 - nabeel (3 file(s) modified)PIREP edit fixed, DB throw_exceptions off~ /trunk/admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php~ /trunk/core/codon.config.php~ /trunk/core/logs/log.txtSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  9. Rev 761 - Backend and API updates, module changes (round one)14 October 2009, 4:15 pmRev 761 - nabeel (24 file(s) modified)Backend and API updates, module changes (round one)~ /trunk/admin/modules/Dashboard/Dashboard.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/Downloads/Downloads.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/Finance/Finance.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/Import/Import.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/MassMailer/MassMailer.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/PilotRanking/PilotRanking.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/Reports/Reports.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/Settings/Settings.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/SiteCMS/SiteCMS.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php~ /trunk/admin/templates/core_navigation.tpl~ /trunk/core/classes/CodonModule.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezDB.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezDB_MySQL.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/MainController.class.php~ /trunk/core/codon.config.php~ /trunk/core/common/CentralData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/PilotData.class.php~ /trunk/core/logs/log.txt~ /trunk/core/modules/Profile/Profile.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  10. Nevermind, confirmed bug. Will be fixed
  11. Sounds like it was probably a server fluke. Glad to know
  12. That happens when your server is under heavy load - esp on shared servers. Just give it some time, and it will resolve itself.
  13. Rev 760 - VAC updates, added logging to db to better debug14 October 2009, 9:00 amRev 760 - nabeel (3 file(s) modified)VAC updates, added logging to db to better debug~ /trunk/core/classes/ezDB.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/CentralData.class.php~ /trunk/install/update.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  14. Thanks. That whole "file_exist" block replaces this line: <img src="<?php echo $userinfo->rankimage?>" alt="" /> That's where that blank is showing up. So just remove these lines: <br /><br /> <img src="<?php echo $userinfo->rankimage?>" alt="" /> And you should be ok
  15. Can you PM me your FTP info and the URL to your site, and an admin account I can check?
  16. If you change something else in their profile, does that change as well?
  17. Hey, Welcome! What version are you using?
  18. I don't get the time to do that really. If you can paste the template, it's much faster for me to do the correction, and also makes it available for others to see.
  19. Well, strictly speaking, those should be different flight numbers. You can add a letter to the end to indicate, though
  20. Error on the update script in this one. Open install/update.php, line 194, change the "self" to "PIREPData". I will hopefully correct this later in the evening.
  21. Rev 759 - Finance fix (round 1)13 October 2009, 1:14 pmRev 759 - nabeel (7 file(s) modified)Finance fix (round 1)~ /trunk/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php~ /trunk/admin/templates/pirep_edit.tpl~ /trunk/core/common/CentralData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/PIREPData.class.php~ /trunk/install/install.sql~ /trunk/install/update.php~ /trunk/install/update.sqlSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  22. Rev 758 - Export error fixed13 October 2009, 8:40 amRev 758 - nabeel (1 file(s) modified)Export error fixed~ /trunk/admin/modules/Import/Import.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  23. There were a few bugs with that I've fixed, I think it was mianly with fsacars. I think they're fixed. I'll look
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