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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Can you PM me the link to your page?
  2. Nabeel


    Jake's code should work, is the phpvms.js file included? Make sure it's a div and the class is "metar"
  3. Nabeel


    I would post on the FSP forums and ask them, I am not sure
  4. Yep it was supposed to be SUM(). I've changed it on my end, thanks!
  5. Hi, Seems as though someone was corrupted on upload. Try reuploading again. FTP sometimes does "break" some files. Either that, or PHP isn't installed correctly on your server, so it's spitting out the source.
  6. Hey Markus, This is a known bug, has been fixed in the latest beta. A full update should be released soon
  7. I'm debugging this now
  8. Nabeel


    Did you download the config file from your phpvms profile page?
  9. I need the exact error
  10. Nabeel

    Some help

    If you look at the profile_main.tpl there is code in there which does that. I think it's just <?php echo $userinfo->pilotid; Etc..
  11. That won't work because you have to add a table. I can slate that for the next release
  12. What are the errors?
  13. Rev 694 - "Forgot Password" fix, autoload() error in ChartGraph2 May 2009, 4:08 pmRev 694 - nabeel (2 file(s) modified)"Forgot Password" fix, autoload() error in ChartGraph~ /trunk/core/common/ChartGraph.class.php~ /trunk/core/modules/Login/Login.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  14. Reupload the admin panel and test, I'm not getting that error
  15. Found a typo in this, I'll have a fix up in a few
  16. The FSPax code does verify if the flight/schedule exists
  17. Thanks man I'll have this sorted out soon
  18. Search the forum there's a setting to change it
  19. You can design that for your VA, it'll set you apart. Shouldn't be very difficult, since it's just a new container
  20. Something like this is coming (see Roger's thread in the Support section) Automated/estimated ticket prices are on the way too, eventually leading to free-flight if you're doing financials
  21. For financials, the PIREPs are referenced to the schedule it belongs to; if the schedule doesn't exist, then it's and orphaned PIREP. If you're not using financials, it's okay (I guess), but if you are, then it will throw that off completely. Just a word of caution to anyone else who is reading thing
  22. Your header is missing alot of javascript files, did you go the Template::Show stuff shown in the docs?
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