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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. In the registration_sentconfirmation.tpl, you can use the $_POST variables directly: <?php $_POST['firstname']; $_POST['lastname']; $_POST['email']; $_POST['code']; $_POST['location']; $_POST['hub']; $_POST['password1']; Hopefully that helps
  2. Good tips, Chuck. Also a fresh install seems to do the trick, wiping the entire folder, then re-installing
  3. Well you have some PIREPs, so I'd be a little weary, but if the financials are accounted for, you should be ok
  4. Participation is optional, and not enabled by default. To enable it you have to register and add the key
  5. I wouldn't pay 100$ for that to be honest if its just a replacement of logos. Just my 2 cents...
  6. In where, the front-end? It should just be a matter of adding <table class="tablesorter"> I think
  7. Add more destinations? Huh? Also, deleting a schedule is not yet allowed because of the way things are tied in together. I would not delete them in phpMyAdmin if I were you. There is an option to disable.
  8. Version 9? PHP is only upto 5. What evidence do you have that PHP is not secure? PHP and .NET are as secure as you make them. You can punch holes in any language, depending on how bad of a coder you are. PHP is not any more or less secure than .NET. Their site was not hacked because of their coding; someone physically was at the command line and striped the partitions from the drives.
  9. I'll check the time's problem today
  10. Don't tick the days. Don't change any files in the admin. Then go into schedule_results.tpl, there's a comment there was says if you don't want to use the days, to comment out the next few lines, do that. Then in that same template just remove the code which shows the times
  11. Just re-upload the admin folder. I meant in the front-end template, just remove the field from the search results. In the admin, when you enter it, just enter any time, or 0:00, it doesn't matter. In the search_results you can remove any fields which you don't want to show
  12. Okay I'll check it out again. Also, make sure the signatures themselves are 777. On the folder, you'll probably have to set a sticky bit, and set the permissions to "2777"
  13. Update the template if you've modified it
  14. Did it regenerate the signatures though? The timestamps changed? I'll do some more debugging. Is the permissions on that folder/files set properly?
  15. Are you talking about the admin side or the front-end? In the front-end, just modify the template to not show the times and stuff. In the back end, don't enter anything
  16. Rev 702 - Signature transfer hours fix, added permission gets and permission assignments to ...19 May 2009, 9:34 amRev 702 - nabeel (15 file(s) modified)Signature transfer hours fix, added permission gets and permission assignments to groups (no implementation in panel just yet)~ /trunk/admin/action.php~ /trunk/admin/index.php~ /trunk/admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php- /trunk/admin/templates/groups_addgroup.tpl+ /trunk/admin/templates/groups_groupform.tpl~ /trunk/admin/templates/groups_grouplist.tpl~ /trunk/admin/templates/sidebar_groups.tpl~ /trunk/core/app.config.php~ /trunk/core/classes/Vars.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/PilotData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/PilotGroups.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/UserGroups.class.php~ /trunk/install/update.php~ /trunk/install/update.sql+ /trunk/install/update_700.sqlSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  17. I think that's probably an issue of the addition not being done correctly. I'll look into it
  18. You can add some Javascript to the page to make each category expandable and collapsible (search for jquery accordian)
  19. Don't change ANY code in the admin panel. Make a new topic padsquad43: that's a good idea. I was thinking of adding gates per-airport, then randomizing which gate will be used
  20. Oh ok, that's a bug then (the transfer hours not showing on the badge). It'll be fixed for 702
  21. Nabeel

    Add bid

    Revert to the default schedule_results.pl (just delete your version), and also revert to the default core_htmlhead.tpl if you've modified it. Then reupload the /lib/js folder.
  22. Just do this; <?php echo Statsdata::TotalHours(); ?> http://docs.phpvms.net/api
  23. So the total hours shows up blank?
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