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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. It would be best to set it through FTP. Good luck
  2. Nabeel


    Yep, but they record the full name + ICAO. I can check again, I have the testing/debug script which I used to parse the actual values returned from FSPax (I didn't use any of their code). But from what was actually returned that's what I used. I can modify that regular expression, but I'd have to test it and see. Do you have the latest version? Perhaps it's a version difference. But if it's working, then great. Actually, I just looked, if you turn ACARS_DEBUG to true in your local.config.php, and empty the module/acars/log.txt, then export flights, you will see what FSPax is sending. If you can post that log file, along with the version of FSPax you're running, that would be great, I can take a look and compare it to my FSPax. And yes, the flight ID has to match an existing schedule in your phpVMS schedules. You can use both FSPax and FSACARS. FSPax for the passengers, and FSACARS for the PIREP and status. FSPax doesn't send status reports to the site, so you can only export PIREPS. With FSACARS you can have your flights show up on your live map. But it's possible to use both of them simultaneously. I'll take a look at the FSPax export again this weekend if I get the chance to.
  3. I will make that change for the next release, it's in the admin panel But it still will show in the same way that it is now, so just pick a registration (doesn't matter which) for that aircraft. You won't be able to choose a certain ICAO type
  4. I can add the ICAO as a view in the options so its ICAO - NAME - REGISTRATION Usually you will know the registration of the plane which is flying it, since you have planned which planes are going to be where. In reality for the system, the registration doesn't really matter, since you can file the PIREP with any aircraft, whether through acars or manually. It's just there for reference
  5. Yeap, that's it. r = read, w = write, so you need w checked off for those files
  6. Hey, There's a few threads if you do a search, basically it's doing: <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { ?> <form> </form> <?php } ?> etc. If you look at some of the existing templates you'll be able too figure it out pretty easily
  7. I'm not sure what you mean You don't have to use "flight from va"
  8. What do you mean? You can just leave the route when creating the schedule
  9. You can login with either one, just change the caption text in the template
  10. I think someone did something with this, you'll have to search it. I think they do give HTML code which you can plop into a template though
  11. Yeah delete the lib/signatures folder before you update. I've modified my build process to delete that directory in the update zip/tar files. You'll have to remember to do that for beta's too
  12. The problem isn't permissions, it's that your host is running PHP on IIS using Fast-CGI. That causes numerous problems. You have to ask them to switch you to PHP using ISAPI. There's a few threads here if you do a search
  13. Nabeel


    No that shouldn't, my test bed uses 5.1 Either it's the skin, or the database is zapped, but you would see other errors indicating. First try restoring your skin, then we can go from there
  14. You would have to use your ftp client to change the permissions to 0777
  15. Nabeel


    You're supposed to change the flight ID in FSPax (the option is in the dialog to set the flight ID), it's in the instructions, which seem to have disappeared from the docs, !@#$, I'll check that. The departureicaoname and the arrivalicaoname are supposed to include both the ICAO and the name, according to the docs, so that's the proper regular expression to parse it - so I'd be careful with that change, that it really did parse the PIREP correctly. I would think your airports are screwed up.
  16. Hey, For the first one, you can use awards. For the second, there's a post in the FAQ forum and the docs on editing templates
  17. Nabeel


    Yep, seems like your skin is gone
  18. for some reason, curl was outputting to the screen, had to explicitly tell it not to again, although i had originally done that
  19. Who's your host? Do they run on windows or linux?
  20. I've had the opposite experience with x10 on other installs. I'd be weary of any free hosts
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