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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. http://phpvms.net/forum/index.php?topic=529.0
  2. Nabeel


    I don't allow deletes as of now, since they're only used in schedules.
  3. Your password is probably wrong then, that's the only thing I can think of
  4. Hey there, 1 - Create a database, then in step 1, you enter the information for the database (the name, username, password), then that will install all the tables and the initial data that's needed. How - you'll have to check with your host on how to do that 2 - Yup, Apache, PHP, MySQL are all free
  5. just enter "nm" in the field and it'll use it, I don't do any conversions just enter whatever the actual number is
  6. Thanks, I corrected the error for the next build, but also fixed it in the operations class.
  7. Yes you can try the beta, it's pretty stable for release soon
  8. What did you call that field in the admin panel?
  9. Which version? What if you use firefox? That field is commented out because it's not used anymore
  10. The only problem is that it's sorted by hub, so that makes it tricky. There are a few jquery addons, one called tablesorter, that you can implement into your template fairly easily. http://tablesorter.com/docs/ http://tablesorter.com/docs/example-pager.html As you can see on the bottom. If you need help implementing, post away. Though I can consider implementing it as standard for the next update.
  11. Since you're using Yahoo Small Business which I'm guessing you have to pay for, I'd recommend going with a paid host, maybe site5 or dreamhost, the free hosts have trouble with uptime and features that phpVMS needs.
  12. Hey, Can you try this real quick, where you put the GetFieldValue();, immediately after, if you put DB::debug(), what's the result?: <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); DB::debug() ?> Can you paste it in? Thanks!
  13. Post the code, can't really tell without knowing the code
  14. Reupload the admin folder, something may have broken on upload, since if FTP is interrupted it'll just keep going. Also, what browser? If you use Firefox, load the admin panel, open the error console, clear it, and then refresh, it'll tell you any errors
  15. Must be the javascript then
  16. What mysql version? That coulda been it. D'oh Been changed for the latest commit (today sometime)
  17. It's beta Shoulda been fixed in latest commit from last night though
  18. Something is weird in the beta, I'm trying to find out what's going on, sorry guys
  19. That's weird. Did you spot any errors? I'll check it out. Not sure why the settings wouldn't add
  20. Try using absolute paths to the CSS and files, ie: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/Buttons_files/cbcscbButtons.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/Buttons_files/cbjscbButtons.js"></script>
  21. Try <p align="center">, you might need to layer those
  22. There's some problems with the beta right now for fresh installs. Start with the release version, that works for sure with alot of things. Updating to the beta seems OK too. I'm gonna try to fix some of these beta issues today
  23. You could just include it in routemap.php, using the template. Create a file in the core/templates folder called "routemap_page.tpl" or something like that, and put in your HTML in there. Then in the routemap.php, just put: <?php Template::Show('routemap_page.tpl'); Wherever you want that template to show up
  24. If you watch my tutorial, the 1st one I think, I explain it in there
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