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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Yes, you have to upload the files to your host, but you can edit them on your local machine. I was using a local webhost (using xampp), to quickly do stuff, then I upload the finished product
  2. What do you mean? Is there an error?
  3. Oh that must be in error. Can you PM me your FTP? I'll take alook once I get a chance
  4. Yeah pilot pay is off, I need to recalc that. Flight hours may still be wrong from before, but if you recalc them it should be correct
  5. Hey, I'm guessing you downloaded the fsacars config file? Is the SITE_URL in the /core/local.config.php correct?
  6. Alright, give it a try (beta build) Sending admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php Sending core/common/PIREPData.class.php Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 638.
  7. Are you running on Windows? See this thread: http://phpvms.net/forum/index.php?topic=485.0
  8. I haven't had the chance to figure that bug out yet, but it's on my list. There's a ticket in the bug tracker, if you subscribe to it, you'll know once it's fixed Do you have details? Which kind of PIREPs, meaning FSACARs or manual, etc
  9. It seems like the database didn't complete - delete the database, and re-install it from scratch, that should set it completely
  10. A few weeks, things are a bit too crazy right now with my job
  11. The file was completed, I omit the trailing PHP close tag, because PHP doesn't require a closing tag, and since in updates I do write to the local.config, it makes it easier. Most of the files have the closing tag also omitted to ensure there's no output before there's supposed to be. Try downloading the full version of PHP, in the zip file, or the installer to do it. I think it's somewhere in the PHP directory, I'm not too familiar with IIS
  12. It can be done rather easily, but I'm not sure if this is something every VA would use. I can possibly add it as an option to set in the local.config Can you add this tothe bug tracker as "Only allow single bid"?
  13. Hey, Welcome to the site. I'm not sure what you mean?
  14. I can do it for the next version, just add it ot the bug and info tracker
  15. I can make that change for the next version
  16. Hey, What PHP version, OS and MySQL version?
  17. Nabeel

    Skin Release

    Hahaha enough guys
  18. Hey, A few people use Eclipse editor. What do you mean by only through a web server?
  19. You can't really, because it's calculated every time a PIREP is sent. Awards are coming up though in the next update, maybe that will help?
  20. Oh, there is no box for the flights which have been booked (should be simple to add). I thought you meant the recent flights
  21. Hey, Welcome to the site... yep, known issue. It's just a addition problem, but it will be fixed for the next update
  22. Hey, Can you PM me your local.config.php? Just curious if it fully generated. Also, what PHP version, and are you using it as ISAPI or CGI? CGI always tends to have issues, if you can change to ISAPI or ask your host to do that, that may fix the problems (there was another thread which the same problems iirc)
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