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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Well awards are coming soon. I'm assuming that even the military has flight plans (schedules) I'm trying to work something out for "spontaneous" schedules
  2. Ah so you may be on Debian. Can you PM me what's in the core/local.config?
  3. You'd have to edit the template (I can't remember if there was a template for those), to redirect. I'll take a look in a bit, but for most of those it wasn't a template, I just error'd it out.
  4. It looks like it's not parsing the date I send it, even though it's in the format it wants. Try the attached fsacars.php, place it in /core/modules/acars/, overwriting the existing one. Hopefully that's it fsacars.zip
  5. IIRC, this was fixed in the latest release
  6. What's the page name you're using? Are you using HTML in it?
  7. I explain that in the tutorial as well
  8. I'll see, but since that's loaded on the the fly, it may be tough to
  9. Something that I notice: View Log [65535/65535/65535 05:39:00] What's the date and time on your server? Set those fields manually (they are to the left of the "Start Log" button), set the date and time properly, let's see if that helps
  10. Ok, well, next, look at the original template, how the navigation was done, and copy that into the core_navigation as described in the tutorial
  11. The CGI has problems parsing the URLs, there's no quick way to change that (virtually every file will have to be changed). I wouldn't anticipate any problems switching to ISAPI, it is more reliable and faster than the CGI implementation of PHP. I'd give it a shot, if any problems, you can always revert back.
  12. Well then in the CSS you need to change the paths to the images (went over that in the tutorial), and then adjust the templates to match the type in the template you downloaded
  13. Odd. In the database, group members table, add a record with your pilot id(should be one), and the admin group (should also be one). I will check that out Did you get the second page to enter all or your data in? Are you running on Windows (your server)?
  14. It should have during the install. I suggest wiping the database and emptying the local.config, and just install from scratch, seems like it went wrong when it saw the other stuff in there. Then you should be good to go
  15. VAFS is also a paid product, and I'm doing this in my limited spare time.
  16. I would email your host and ask them if PHP is a CGI extension, and whether they can switch it to ISAPI. Do you use cPanel? I think there is an option in there. It's just the way PHP is processed
  17. Hey, no problem! The local.config.php is usually created, unless it doesn't have permissions to do so. For that other error, the files: lib/js/jquery-front.js and /lib/js/jquery-admin.js both need write permissions.
  18. Try sending me the full log. The odd thing is, I haven't touched FSACARS code in phpVMS since 1.1.458 (over 200 code check-ins ago). I manually compared the FSACARS module code and couldn't find any differences. It's essentially the same, except for the flight from VA. There's a ton of bugs with it, particularly on the reporting side which I've compensated for. If it's just now the latest bid flight that's the problem, can you send me your FTP and URL, and your pilot id, so I can take a look and see if I can spot anything behind the scenes? I thought I had it fixed with the latest beta, but it seems as though it's cropping up again. It's most likely a dumb mistake on my part. Thanks
  19. On the latest install? Shoot!
  20. Are your database connection settings correct? Check the /core/local.config.php, that means the database hasn't connected properly.
  21. Hmm, Windows servers may be having troubles with the URL. Do you know if you're using ISAPI or FastCGI? There's known troubles with FastCGI, if your host can switch it to ISAPI, then it should work ok
  22. Seems like the path to your stylesheet (http://globalaircargovirtual.org/test/lib/skins/example/solvista.css) is incorrect
  23. Hey there, Welcome to phpVMS. What version of PHP and MySQL, also Windows or Linux server?
  24. Hey, Welcome to the site. First thing, what version of PHP and MySQL? That indicates a problem possibly with the MySQL. Also, re-upload the files to make sure none are "broken", as FTP tends to do that
  25. Yeah, that's just disrespectful. Have a little more taste than that...
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