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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. That's not phpVMS. And what exactly do you need help with? If you have specific questions, or how to do something, just saying you need help doesn't help us to help you. Dave posted an excellent primer above, messing with the system is probably the best way to see how it's put together.
  2. Use absolute paths, with your complete domain in it, in your XML file. Try giving that a shot.
  3. Yep, that's how it'll be the most realistic, since that's how it's done. I don't cross check regs and say its being flown on another flight at the same time, just to make it easier. And it doesn't have to be flown using that reg, a pilot can use any reg. Though now if they book the flight and import it using FSACARS, it'll pull that reg in. Would an importer for aircraft help, similar to the schedules?
  4. A sneak-peak of the new admin panel, just to get your juices flowing Alot of your requests have made it in - deleting PIREPS and 'retiring' aircraft. Oh, and FSACARS can pull the latest bid now and fill in the data . Most importantly, the entire thing is noticeably faster, I spent a lot of time optimizing. Still a few more things to do, so I don't know when it'll be out just yet. Still have a buncha testing to do, as well as baking in a few more cool things! Happy New Years! sneak_peak.png
  5. I'm not sure I understand what you mean in the first part, if you mean having a option not to add a registration, that becomes a little tricky with FSACARS, and other statistics functions which are coming. But when filling a PIREP, it's not restricted to the assigned aircraft. It'll take whatever registration they enter (in FSACARS or on the form), as long as its been added. I suppose you can add an "aircraft" called none, with "none" as the registration and then assign that to your schedules. The stats will look at the PIREPS as the reference point on usage stats, so there are no worries about "holes" in the actual usage.
  6. Well, just add one saab and one jetstream, and assign a reg to each one (so total of two aircraft), then just assign that reg number to the schedule, so then you only have those two aircraft listed. You don't need to add 8 saab aircraft with one reg (it won't let you anyway), just add one with one reg, and use that one across your schedules.
  7. Yes cookies is one. There is a link there though that says if you don't get redirected, to click it. Does that work?
  8. He doesn't get redirected after login? Is that the problem? Can he access the pilot center directly? If its redirect, seems like a javascript setting, blocking redirects, or some add-on doing it.
  9. I will have a look. It's difficult. In respect to PHP settings, I code very conservatively, assuming that every "shortcut" option is off. I don't use register_globals either way. That would be the way to do it, however ZIP handling differs greatly between OSs and PHP installs, some may have PECL zip extensions, some may not and have to use the OS. That will take some investigation.
  10. Cody outlined the best way, create a copy of the default theme (crystal), and just mess around with it. Remove divs, replace them with your own. Think of it as a skeleton that you can change around and mess with. Also, don't edit templates directly. Copy them into your skin folder, so they won't be overwritten.
  11. What are you IE security settings? It may have disabled redirects
  12. Well, we can start with, what don't you understand?
  13. Yeh, IE has CSS issues. Otherwise it should work (I tested the default templates). What problem are they having specifically, what do they mean by 'cant access'?
  14. Yep, just change the id value with NULL. phpVMS has paid hosting too
  15. There is an RSS feed. I've changed in the next release to send an email.
  16. Alright, this error is fixed too Open /core/common/PIREPData.class.php, around line 316, there is: DB::$insert_id = $pirepid; Move this a few lines down, just above the "return true" line. Then you'll be ok.
  17. Well on the PIREPS, there's an option to view pireps just for the hub of the person who is logged in. As for the other thing, that involves a lot of permissions being added in.. that's not really a priority at this point since it'll eat away at the time for doing other things.
  18. That is correct. I have the string in the fsacars.ini file for future, so it'll just work without having to redownload the config file (people won't/will forget to do that). I haven't had time yet to implement it in a 'release' version. It should be mapping to schedules though: http://phpvms.devjavu.com/browser/trunk/core/modules/ACARS/fsacars.php As it is on the current test version, though I haven't had the time yet to test it.
  19. I've corrected that, it's just an error with the error logger which reports the error (phew) But what it would tell you is that it can't connect to the database. Underscores shouldn't matter (I have 2 underscores in one of my test db's). Check the username/password/db name
  20. Check in the admin panel if they are submitted; redownload your config file from the pilot center, open it up and make sure the URL for your site is correct. What are you entering for the pilot number (should already be filled) and the flight number?
  21. You can't rename the files to .php5 because of how the loader works... that requires alot more work than just changing extensions, and you'll be messed up for updates as well. Check with your host, they must have a way of mapping .php to php5 through an htaccess file.
  22. I'll take a look and see if I can spot anything. Sorry about that!
  23. Just hit accept flight, that should submit it. Don't need to hit submit log, UNLESS it doesn't post the PIREP after you hit "accept flight"
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