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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You can have the one domain that's not on the key just forward to the domain which does have the key. I'll have to look at the code and see if I can spot you on how to have two separate keys
  2. Yeah, wrap is good. The aircraft, that's a bug in the backend.
  3. You'll have to adjust the table CSS to fix that. Same with the search.To have them all showing, mess with the HTML in the schedule_searchform.tpl As for the aircraft flight, that's a known bug and been fixed in the next version.
  4. Ok, find that sscanf() line, around line 499, replace that line and the next one with this: $txtcolor = str_replace('#', '', Config::Get('SIGNATURE_TEXT_COLOR')); $color = sscanf($txtcolor, '%2x%2x%2x'); $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
  5. Haven't got to it yet, workin' my way down my list, it's the 3rd one down, hopefully by this afternoon, unless my boss decides to do something crazy like give me work.
  6. Yes you define on the schedule what type it is, charter, cargo, pax
  7. Call the function: $activeflights = ACARSData::GetACARSData(); foreach($activeflights as $flight) { print_r($flight); } $flight is an object, call each column as: $flight->columname
  8. What do you mean? They will operate at the max capacity specified
  9. Nabeel


    Don't copy all of the templates, only the ones you change. Did you watch the video tutorial, that may help explain things a bit: http://www.phpvms.net/tutorials/skinningbasicsp1/ Give that a shot.
  10. Nabeel

    Please help

    Hey there my friend, Also check out this video tutorial: http://www.phpvms.net/tutorials/skinningbasicsp1/ Part 2 should be coming sometime soon.
  11. You're running PHP 4.4.9, click the link and check the top header. Check with your host how to switch it to PHP 5.
  12. Hey, Exactly what PHP version? Send me a link to a file with just this: <?php phpinfo(); ?> Put that in it, call it info.php and send that over. Also, reupload, s ometimes when there's a break in the connection (happens often with FTP), random error like this happen.
  13. Hahaha I've added about 5 items to my to-do list, it gets shorter by one, longer by two.
  14. Haha yup, there's an option in the settings for it (rem to check here ) There's no conversions though, makes it easier. if you enter 10, it'll be $ or euro depending on the sign you enter in the setting.
  15. <Copied from Sneak Peak> Another sneak shot of the very basic (atm) financials. You can add expenses for monthly costs. What hasn't been included are your assets - you can assign a cost for each aircraft in your fleet, as your assets, to calculate your net worth. What's going to be included are monthly financials (maybe in this next release, I'm ending new features next week, so if I get it, then I get to it), where it will build a report for every month. There's a bit of a technical challenge there which I haven't gotten to just yet. I'm fitting in all the pieces, as I'm aiming for an end of Jan release. finance.png
  16. Yep, that's a known bug (http://www.phpvms.net/forum/index.php/topic,211.0.html). It's gonna be fixed in next release.
  17. Nabeel

    Sneak Peak

    More stuff in: http://www.phpvms.net/forum/index.php/topic,223.0.html
  18. Hm, you know guys. My math might have been wrong.. LOL. I said 720, /60 would give the hours, but instead I divided by 12, to give 60 hours. I mean to divide by 60. D'oh!! I must not have been thinking... way to confuse myself. So set it to 144, that'll give you a 12 hour timeout (just do the hours by 12 for now). I've fixed that... But if you wanna leave it at 720, check core/common/ACARSData.class.php, line 184ish, change the 12 to 60.
  19. Yup, it's in that settings file, hehe # ACARS options # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours) Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 720);
  20. Yup, you can change Google Map size as well, its in your core/local.config.php: Config::Set('MAP_WIDTH', '600px'); Config::Set('MAP_HEIGHT', '400px'); Config::Set('MAP_TYPE', 'G_PHYSICAL_MAP'); Config::Set('MAP_LINE_COLOR', '#ff0000'); Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LAT', '45.484400'); Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LNG', '-62.334821'); As for languages, once I finalize the admin panel, translations there can occur
  21. Great! There's a few catches while using it - for instance, I haven't found out how to add the registration for aircraft, so that'll be blank, and an admin has to fix it. I'm thinking of work arounds though. And it won't be on the live map
  22. I was planning on keeping this under wraps, but the first few flights using FSPassengers have been logged ;D So...I am proud to announce that phpVMS will have official FSPassengers support in this next update! Same as FSACARS, just download a config file and drop it in. FSPassengers (for both FS9 and the new FSX version) supports exporting your pilot reports to a VA, and using phpVMS, this makes its easy for both you as admins, and for your pilots. The only downside is that there are no status updates, but hopefully that will be something added in the future, to dot track your flight along on the ACARS map. Along with basic financials, this next update will be an exciting one! Happy new year indeed
  23. Interesting, which file?
  24. You can change this, the docs haven't been updated yet. It's in your local.config.php, under PILOTID_LENGTH: http://www.phpvms.net/docs/configuration_settings#configuration_settings As for the other thing, you can change all those in your stylesheets using CSS from your skin.
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