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Everything posted by t_bergman

  1. Problem Solved, I am still getting SQL syntax error but the site is working.
  2. Also, there can be many factors affecting the performance of the site. -datacenter location/locations -shared/VPS/dedicated hosting -code changes -traffic to the site (this can be actual humans going to the site or robots) -attacks/viruses Much has to do with the server and the clients. The server would be your hosting provider and may be stuffing to many people on one server, clients will be at the mercy of their browser/computer speed/internet provider speed/location. You have a .it domain which I am assuming is hosted in a datacenter somewhere in italy, I am in the US which means your site will load slower for me than you. There has been some talk on the forums about site attacks and since your site is running slow it could possibly be a small dos attack. This is by no means a complete list but something to get you started in resolving this. My background is windows application development and just beginning web deployment, but there are many on the forum to help if you have a linux hosting environment.
  3. You have a problem here, I tried to ping your site and all four requests timed out. Talk with your hosting provider to see what is up and see if there is anything attacking the site. Tom
  4. === Time: 11.17.11 15:00:48 ===== Time: 11.17.11 15:00:48 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > PIREPData::fileReport > PIREPS->SubmitPIREP > PIREPS->viewpireps > PIREPS->mine > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions Query: INSERT INTO phpvms_pireps( `pilotid`, `code`, `flightnum`, `depicao`, `arricao`, `route`, `route_details`, `distance`, `aircraft`, `flighttime`, `flighttime_stamp`, `landingrate`, `submitdate`, `accepted`, `log`, `load`, `fuelused`, `expenselist`, `source`, `exported`, `rawdata`) VALUES ( 1, 'HPH', '0001', 'KFLL', 'KAPF', 'FLL', 'a:0:{}', '88.17551492924', '1', '1.2', '1:2:00', '0', NOW(), 0, '', '15', '100', '0', 'manual', 0, '') Error: (1364) - Field 'price' doesn't have a default value ===== ===== ===== Time: 11.17.11 15:11:56 ===== Time: 11.17.11 15:11:56 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > PIREPData::fileReport > PIREPS->SubmitPIREP > PIREPS->viewpireps > PIREPS->mine > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions Query: INSERT INTO phpvms_pireps( `pilotid`, `code`, `flightnum`, `depicao`, `arricao`, `route`, `route_details`, `distance`, `aircraft`, `flighttime`, `flighttime_stamp`, `landingrate`, `submitdate`, `accepted`, `log`, `load`, `fuelused`, `expenselist`, `source`, `exported`, `rawdata`) VALUES ( 1, 'HPH', '0001', 'KFLL', 'KAPF', 'FLL', 'a:0:{}', '88.17551492924', '1', '1.1', '1:1:00', '0', NOW(), 0, '', '17', '500', '0', 'manual', 0, '') Error: (1364) - Field 'gross' doesn't have a default value ===== ===== Those are the errors in the log file. checkdb.php and checkinstall.php ran without any errors.
  5. Thanks Edwin, I got phpVMS installed but I can't get some parts of the site to write to the database. PIREPS cannot be manually filed or are the ACARS programs able to contact the server. php can communicate with the database just not some of the phpvms functions. IE, i can add news, airports, ect but when i file a pipep manually nothing is written to the database? Tom
  6. I am moving my phpVMS installation onto Windows Server 2008 R2, I have been hosting phpvms on shared linux plans before but want to consolidate and and since I have a server for asp.net application development I figure I would get rid of my shared host. The last windows server OS I used was windows 2000 professional. If anyone can help me out with permissions for the server to run phpVMS, I have the screenshot attached . Thanks
  7. Yes, then it should be able to send and receive data. It has got to be a server issue, I need to investigate privileges in IIS then to see if the anonymous user is being blocked from sending and receiving portions of information.
  8. Just for experiment, how does k-acars pass data to the server so I can make sure those methods are open.
  9. t_bergman


    If making an option, is there anyway to do this from the admin side of things. just thinking out loud. Tom
  10. Yes it is reporting that PIREP has been filed but there is nothing showing in the database. I am not using standard table prefixes for security, could that be it? my database user which phpVMS is using has 777 permissions for the phpVMS database.
  11. correct, or being sent when I file a PIREP.
  12. version 2.1.934
  13. Link?
  14. After an upgrade to my development server, I have a test version on phpVMS up and running. After downloading and updating the Kacars module and connecting via the program nothing is being transmitted to the mySQL database. Not sure if a port is closed or what? Windows Server 2008 R2 Website is hosted on IIS 7.5 www.hphvirtual.com/site/ Thanks for the help, Tom
  15. replaced the module and it is working for me. Win 7 64bit Tom
  16. t_bergman


    Thanks, will try out later today.
  17. t_bergman


    Quick question, is there a way to change all of the shortcuts in the admin panel to use https? I am looking into forcing ssl connections on the admin side. Thanks Tom
  18. You may have to download the FAA pdf's and convert them to png. Not sure how to do that but there has to be a way.
  19. Has anyone else noticed that the weather data on the pilot briefing in from march 10th. Any solution to fix, walkaround, or a way to take the data out of the briefing? Thanks Tom
  20. Is there anyway to make the route comments dynamic. Just how the e-mail system works with first and last names. To use current notams, dispatcher status etc..
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