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Everything posted by t_bergman

  1. I'm wondering how exactly they got in, since I did not get hit I do not have a path to follow. I disabled the file and checked all of the windows and IIS logs. If anyone else is on 08 R2 and got hit I would love to know how so that I can further secure my server.
  2. What php version are you running? Anything over 5.2 will cause issues with phpVMS; also if you are on their "4G" hosting, the mySQL database is hosted remotely from where your files are hosted. You will need to make sure that the database and hosting are set up correctly.
  3. Project Closed.
  4. Yes, project has also been completed.
  5. I am looking for someone to create a module which will allow for additional aircraft data to be inputted from the admin interface, this module will need to include roughly 10 extra fields along with a notes section which can be edited from the admin section but viewed from the front page of the website. This module does not need to be exclusive. Budget: negotiable Timeframe: one week once project has started Payment: through paypal Feel free to contact me with any questions at tbergman (at) hphvirtual.com
  6. I am looking for someone to create a passenger load factor module which will allow for a more realistic approach to passenger loads. The module will need to be able to specify passenger loads on a per flight basis in both percent and number of passengers. Budget: negotiable Timeframe: one week once project has started Payment: through paypal Feel free to contact me with any questions at tbergman (at) hphvirtual.com
  7. As it states, that system is not for sale. However you may work with Jeff to create systems custom to your virtual airline.
  8. Thats quite ok, I probably took it a bit harsher than I should have, the one downside to forums is that you only see text. I think I may have found some code to get this started. Thanks for the help.
  9. Okay. First off do you know how to create a module in phpVMS? Yes, I do know how to create a module with phpVMS, I'll admit that I am new to it however. Secondly, in first stack of codes, where are they located right now. This is important. What do you mean by stack of codes? The module folder has been created in both the modules and template folders. Third, variable "$id" where do you get the value for it? where is the rest of the code? $id is the variable for the id column in the aircraft table, not sure where the rest of the code is, I think I might have to create it. Forth, in second stack of codes, you're missing a loop to go through the results back from data base. The intention is only to display the information for one aircraft, is a loop needed? Fifth, You have a lot of issues with your code to resolve. I am aware.
  10. Does anyone know how to change the format of the total time the aircraft has?
  11. This code works perfect for the total flight by pilots, I am trying to amend it to access aircraft data. I am building a module which will display data from the aircraft table. My code from the php file is The tpl file is I am new to php programming and this might be a little above my head. Basically I am trying to display individual aircraft statistics when access from http://www.hphvirtual.com/site/index.php/CrewResourceCenter/FleetDetails/1, the number correlating to the id in the aircraft table. Thanks.
  12. This is perfect, I can also modify this to access a lot more.
  13. Does anyone have a code snippet to access database fields. I am trying to grab the total flights by a pilot, I can't seem to get this even after looking into the API. Thanks,
  14. I am looking to add additional fields to aircraft within the admin module, for instance the aircraft configuation of "29Y" which specifies 29 seats of economy. I have added another field within the ops_aircraftform.tpl file but now am not sure what to do in the php file. I have added the field to the database. Thanks,
  15. Are you looking for free or are you willing to pay? If you're looking for a free custom module you'll most likely be out of luck, otherwise there are a few very good developers around here who should be able to get you something, features of course will depend on how much you are looking to spend.
  16. This isn't a new installation on windows is it?
  17. Is this a new install or old install?
  18. I don't want it to use the bullet point lists, I've taken out the <li>,
  19. I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to make the phpVMS menu system with various levels. Currently when I enable a page in the admin section, phpVMS automatically adds a link under the pages section at ams.hphvirtual.com/index.php. Taking the about us page as an example (ams.hphvirtual.com/index.php/pages/aboutus), is there a way to have phpVMS generate links for Executive Staff, Our Fleet and the Route Map by having the about us as a level 1 page and the other three pages as level 2.Sorry if my description is a bit confusing.
  20. I'm glad its working for you Murray. Just remember to edit your first post using the full editor and marking the post as solved.
  21. I have edited the pages_items.tpl file and its in my skins folder. For some reason this file is not being used and the default file is, I have a feeling that it's because under the customized core_navigation.tpl file which is in my skin folder as well the site is using the <?php echo &MODULE_NAV_INC;?> code which is drawing the auto generated links from the default pages_items.tpl. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks,
  22. Since this is a custom acars, I would contact Jeff at fs-products.net. You can also use the checkinstall.php in the install directory to see if the upload caused a corruption of one of the files.
  23. hmm this is weird, have you checked using a different client suck as xacars? While not the ideal solution at least that client may work while troubleshooting kacars. If for some reason it is a file issue, used the checkinstall.php and checkdb.php. Simply access those two files which are in the install directory from a web browser. Are there any issues which those two files show?
  24. Are the images in the correct folder which show the aircraft on the map and does that folder have correct permissions? the images are located at lib/images/inair.
  25. I fixed it!, I removed line 2 of schedule_details.tpl <div class="indent">
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