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Everything posted by joeri

  1. Austin first of all good luck but then my second sentance would be (this is a dutch saying) a donkey don't hits his head 2 times on the same rock. no mather what your hosting compagny says iff you don't have permission from anny copyright brand they can (i don't say will but can) shut you down. just for fun you schould email the website url to united and see what their reaction is iff they don't awnser you are in luck iff they awnser you will know what to do
  2. so i presume you didn't got approval from emirates. like Tom says NO iff you still do it you wil recive a nice letter and iff you still continu you can pay
  3. have you tried firebug to see iff an error is on the page?
  4. i don't say stop helping others i say stip posting your code here Simon has added more code to his file then the normal standard so he probably has an error with the added coding thats why i asked him to post his code
  5. first off all parkho stop posting your own code inhere as you might have seen he has some more coding in the acarsmap.tpl so there wil be the probleme. it normaly wont be a css problem. Simon just past your code here so we all can look at it
  6. Simon could you paste your code off your tpl in here so we can look on how you coded it maby a small error that some fresh pair off eyes can see
  7. could you plz paste the acarsmap tpl in here so we can look at your code
  8. i thouth you had a painter as i was doing them for you and you canceld all the rest you orderd
  9. look at the above post fixed it
  10. you can link it to place you have the download
  11. joeri


    yes indeed iff you changed the immages you will need an immage for every 360degrees
  12. joeri


    then you have an other problem run the checkinstall and checkdb plz
  13. joeri


    start using kacars as with fsacars you will keep this problem
  14. joeri


    fsacars doesn't provide heading info
  15. Dude how long has it been 2 days i needed to wait about 6 months for a reply they need to take it to their legal department and stuff but as read in an other topic you probably won't be allowed
  16. lol i think someone has read this topic as the tropical site is blocked and the palmer site is all style gone
  17. PPFFFFFEWWWWW Kyle luckely it was a fals alarm with then end off the world insight in december all these things can become verry disturbing haha somethimes its best to ask for help and then when you reread everyting you see the mistake
  18. joeri


    simpilot verry good service and price really depends on what you want
  19. joeri


    look at his website all prices are stated i belive
  20. do you mean finding addresses or something else
  21. Ian just to make sure you made the skin for that kyle person and he copied it for an other va or how do we need to look at this
  22. Maby next time Google wil be your best friend but for now http://www.theemiratesgroup.com/english/contact-us/contact-us.aspx
  23. not sure what you are trying to say with this Kacars is still in dev by Jeff he also has the custom version oof that one that can be fully developed at your own wantings,fsflightkeeper is a top program and still under dev i belive and with xacars they just started developing a new one. So they are all still under development. then the pfrase create you own custom system why are you here on the forums then ,just for joy? or do u use the system. and iff so maby you can do what you suggest "develop your own system" you are talking about no bashing on the forum but now you took a shot at 3 acars developers and 1 va system developer so thats 4 in 1 post regards joeri
  24. I think you are running a bid to fast James. all that you are telling is mostly correct but these things are currently for Beta testing(proud tester ) you are indeed correct that currently its more off a arcade game then a sim but the grapics and stuff are really good but indeed layedout fopr a wide public and not only the hardcore simmer as they will stay with current sims. i am unsure iff you can make these statements so early as i just recived my coppy of msflight the day before yesterday
  25. hello sir most off the times i try and keep my calm but somethimes there ar some people here making points to others but are know offenders themself and then i can make myself mad iff they point out things they are doing wrong on their own. kinf regards
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