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Everything posted by joeri

  1. Kyle indeed Lucas is fully correct with all the rules as i am also a memeber off the G1 and followd all up .

  3. Closing this one take it to PM or don't take it at all. this is bad PR for PHPVMS
  4. it went ok for how long 2 weeks?
  5. de maandag is Cher(een zeer mooie Hypo hog) bij ons aangekomen en vandaag al een dineetje gekregen.

  6. i would be willing to test it on a different server :-)
  7. this is so funny this tread yesterday posted to try and sell and now its not sure iff they are selling
  8. just looked at your website again 3 time but now it finaly is starting to look good. main reason i bring out my likings off the site is following. currently there are to manny va's starting and closing why? simple/everybody wants to be a CEO these days but the main problem with this is manny va's don't punt an effort in to their website and stuff.iff someone would have come to your va and seen it they would "probably" don't register as they don't fing the website appeling. whit your currentr website it looks more appeling to join.all the things i said in earlyer posts is not to bash or bring you down its just letting you know who the site looks in general appeling regards joeri
  9. Vertrekken op 12 jarige leeftijd voor de vakantie van je leven, samen leren skiën met al je vriendjes, plezier maken en de tijd van je leven beleven, sneeuwballen gooien op juf of meester, ... niet wetende dat dit ook hun laatste reis zou worden. Nooit meer naar huis terug keren, nooit meer plezier maken, nooit meer! Voor altijd een sterretje aan de hemel. Veel sterkte aan, ouders, broertjes en zusjes, grootouders, familie en vrienden, leerkrachten, kinderen en directie van de betrokken schol...

  10. as off now all new pilots for TNT va wil need to enter their card info i will be deducting 1$ for a lifetime membership,existing members wil also need to give their card info they will "donate"5$ for a livetime membership. WTF does a va need a cerditcard number its not that they are selling anny real lfight
  11. yep i sugest simpilot also he can do almost annything
  12. moving this to the correct place
  13. correct that wil be in the modulles forum or you can use simple machines forum and use the autoregister feature from simpilot just waht you want
  14. all forums about virtual flying is the best way to promote
  15. yeah never heard off it i will google the place see where its at. and good luck getting those 500 hours
  16. no it's not my recordings i was on the opposited side. i was a small fan but after this i am soled they are so good with their live shows and everybody goes along with left 2,3,4 everybody was marching it was pure orgasms every song
  17. a hub at unakawhat?????
  18. i would get permissions first
  19. sorry to say but your sites needs major work its not appealing in anny way. its verry over the top looks like a 10 year old made it . with some improvements looks liks a fun va to fly for kind regards
  20. the first issiue you probably done an export off your schedulles then installed a new phpvms elsewhere but this version isn't the same as the version you had on your first install and thus not having all the tables
  21. the first is probably because you where running the beta version and you now installed the full version. second probably means you have version mismatch between your program and the version running on your server
  22. hey your site look great it was a full white page with this Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 (2013)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000><b></b></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in /home/a2649668/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99 also do you have permission from emirates to do this
  23. closing this one down as this will end in a bashing. as for austin this is the second time you try to bash somebody . lets turn the table arround this is not your first airline i belive what happend to the other,secondly do you have permissions from hawaiian? you see every body can bash at others. i have Jeff's acars and tried manny others in general they are just do the same thing some have a better look some have something else so it doesn't mather what you use or who you try to bash, just use the one you want and like
  24. then there is a white space at the start off it probably
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