Like mentiont in post befof this and like kyle is stating its verry difficould to do something about teft like mentioning it here on the forum and banning the person is a start but it wont get the teft offline.
as manny now are thinking why i let taylor still on the forum its easy all the teft shown in the last few days was from the past and not now he also took it off or put his site in maint mode he currently is on his verry verry last strike anny mistake from his part or even from customers on his hosting will result in a lifetime ban thus if annybody has proof of current stealing let me know.
i hope this is the last time these things stop here on the forum same for the public bashing or even the PM bashing or i think its time to set up some rules to get this sorted out
to be honnest @ this point i don't pull on the job off admin anymore as its not fun annymore